... and it was weird. |D~ Seriously, dreaming of Tenimyuboys killez my brain.
... whatever.
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► What is your favorite band/group?
If it has to be a band, I'd take Arashi, and maybe UVERworld.. Otherwise, Tenimyu-Music > all <3
► What would you do if you met your favorite celebrity?
uuhm... What I would do or what I did? |D" Well, I didn't know what to say, but it didn't really matter 'cause he wouldn't have understood it anyway.. D="
Soo, next time I'd think of something I could say, and I'd bring a little present, like some others did. *nods* tell him he shouldn't grow fuzzy stuffs in his Face :DDD
► What is your recent adds on collection?
Final Match Rikkai Second CD First Press Version <3 and hopefully soon to come, Dream Live 7th Pamphlet and Photosets yaay \o/
► What's your occupation?
office clerk. Nothing special.. D="
► What are the things that scare you?
Spiders. -_- and Snakes.
► What was your dream occupation when you were a child?
Musical-Singer. x_x
► What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
TENIMYU. and Tenipuri. and Takumi-kun Series. :D
► What are you listening to right now?
Tenimyu Music of course. Next ~ Must be strong ~ Finalist playing right now <3
► What food could you eat everyday for weeks and not get sick of?
uh... hard to choose.. maybe some sort of chinese noodles..?
► What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LiveJournal, Twitter, Animexx. Most of the time also tennimu.com and some Actors Blogs~
► What was the last thing you bought?
mh. I payed for 2 Fuji-Bromides and 1 Ryoma-Bromide |D~ and I bought some clothes...
► What is the cutest thing you've seen today?
Uh... does that weird dream of 5th Cast also count? XD~
► Does the weather affect your mood?
not really
► What is your zodiac sign?
Gemini. >:3
► Do you want to learn another language?
I want to lern Japanese. September starting a course, yay :D
► 5 things you can't live without?
Uuuhm.. Computer+Internet, Music, Tenimyu+Tenipuri, Friends, Money to buy all the asdsagd FANSTUFFZ and travel to Japan. <3
► Do you have any siblings?
older Brother and older Sister. 8 & 9 Years older than me °_°
► What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
uuh.. don't know.. maybe "Thank you" to all the actors for creating such wonderful Tenimyus..? <3
► What are you looking forward to?
FANSTUFFZ *O* Final Match Rikkai Second DVD, Dream Live 6th DVD, Supporters DVD 10, KiraKira Daidai DVD, Dream Live 7th Fanstuff, Takumi-kun 3 DvD;
Connichi 2010 <3
► Say something to the person who tagged you.
uh.. grabbed it from hibimaosuki :D" BIA, you're doing this too. |D
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not many pictures uploaded yet. D=
Well. Here's our little Seigaku Group from Hanami 2010... |D~
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Gimme Stuff to flail at. Duh. It's weekend and I'm bored, what the heck D="
btw, my Computer is working again. I should download some Tenimyustuff, but I'm so lazyyy... |D~
*grabs Final Match Second and watches again + makes some screens for icons~*
ugh... and I just remembered that I also lost my Photoshop with the PC-crash. damnthat. uu°
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btw last time watching FMR2 I realized that some actors danced on the 2nd floor during FGKS >____< baaaeh~! Why they only did for Senshuuraku... I would have had good seats on the 2nd and 3rd floor if they had showed up there ;__; booh.