Mun Information:
Mun Name: never gonna give you up
Personal Journal: never gonna let you down
Email: never gonna run around and
AIM: desert you
Character Information:
Character's Name: Shinichi "Shin-chan" Okazaki
Character's Canon: NANA
Appearance: On right. As he is fused with his Yellow Knife, it doesn't show normally.
Age/Grade: tenth grade
Affiliation: Yellow Knife
Character's Personality: Shin is a drifter. He goes from place to place, person to person, trying hard not to form attachments. He is a sardonic little thing, with a biting wit and jaded outlook that is belied by his innocent looks. His views on sexuality have inevitably gotten a little twisted: He views it as a job more than something done for pleasure by this point. He's used to women giving him things and knows how to use his looks to get what he wants. He can be rather childish at times and avoids responsibilities and commitments.
He's a loyal friend though. Perhaps the only thing he's really passionate about is music, something he pours himself into.
Shin views the alien party as a waste of his time, though less of a waste than ordinary school would be.
Canon History: Universe History: Shin's family history is undoubtedly tragic and a complete mystery. He doesn't talk about it. All that's known is that it was dysfunctional in some way and his only escape was punk rock.
Next door lived a woman named Ryouko, a fully fused Yellow Knife. She took the boy under her wing, introducing him to the world of prostitution and giving him his own yellow knife symbiont. She also taught him how to manipulate the emotions of others with Yellow Knife abilities.
Shin would eventually run away from home, causing his family to legally disown him. He spent a while sleeping at the houses of different "clients" until he could afford his own apartment. Ryouko encouraged him to attend high school, thinking it would be a good way for him to meet like minded young people and so he entered School #9.
First Person Writing Sample: Ryouko-
The Rookie of the Year hasn't forgotten about you. I've arrived here at High School #9 with the bag of tricks you gave me stuffed in my pockets, ready to cross the hearts of the hapless lambs they call girls in this place.
I breeze or sleep through most classes. I'm playing air-bass or impudently listening on my player. Whatever. I'm in the Alien Party. They can't expel me no matter what.
Often my thoughts turn to the musical project i've signed on to: BLAST. It's held together by the strong personality of the lead singer, one Nana Osaki. She's tall and a frosty one. Shitkickers and a plaid skirt. Heavy eyeliner that combines with her pale skin to give her raccoon eyes. Chin length hair in a pageboy. Too poor to ever afford me, not that I get the impression she wants to. But a frigging amazing singer. Pours everything onto that mic.
There's something she's always singing about, you know? Something that stays the same no matter what the song's about.
The guitarist is a hapless blonde, Nobu. His enthusiasm is infectious.
Silent and in a dark suit is the drummer, Yasu. A skinhead...amazing they're still around, huh? The serious type. I bet he's the big brother type who will bail you out of trouble. I should get into some and test that...
Shit, a spaceship just landed. Looks like i'll have to cut this short.
Third Person Writing Sample: I will wound this autumnal institution... The long boy thought, paused at the blocky gates. Around him a flood of students, their chatter as tiny and meaningless as burbling brooks. They were perfect as cats on windowsills. Charms dangled bright and superdeformed from cell phones loaded with games and customized chirping ringtones. Boys in dark jackets and pants that covered them like Victorian soldiers. Girls trying to sneak an inch of hike in their skirts past school regulations, smuggling their appeal past pinch-faced guardians.
What a playground. Easy pickings. Three of those girls in a tight knot glanced at him and laughed. He flashed them his cutest smile, sunlight glinting the chain that hung his lip. He wondered which of them was the richest.
Discreetly a few of his hairs curled into spirals under the matted style he wore. Tiny projections called mentally: Fascination. If they were sensitive, they would pick it up.
Like that? Nancy said inside his head.
Shin nodded at his symbiont then walked past the girls. The feeling would linger with them until he was ready to harvest it.
Inside was a bustle of the postmodern. It was spacious in places, cramped in others, white walled or tiled with green, confusing in its mix of architectures. The bright fluorescent hurt eyes accustomed to nighttime. He passed other symbionts as he passed and Nancy amusedly reported their growls to him. Here a drill girl talking with her human friend. There a knot of Sunflowers arrogant and glowering, distrusted, sorrounded on all sides by feet and feet of space. They were youths with glinting eyes, something hungry behind the sockets. He'd seen that look on junkies.
Shin walked through their invisible barrier and did it slower than necessary.
He opened the door to the Alien Party room, disappointed to find it looked not much different than any other lab. Beakers and burners there were a few and some did contain eggs of various types but nothing so dramatic.
His advisor was a harried woman wearing a dreamy frown as she looked over a stack of reports. Lab coat. A spaced out look to her. This was a woman who was often apologizing to her bosses, he thought.
Long brown hair that wasn't really hair at all if you knew what to look for. A drill. Nancy told him.
He flashed that same smile and bowed. "Megumi Hisokawa...Sensei." The gap between the second and third word was accompanied by a smirk. Get her used to the idea of him calling her familiarly. "I'm Shin."