some clarification

Aug 19, 2005 16:18

1. A megapost is a post of 30+ pictures, so no more confusion on that :)

2. We ask that there be NO reposting of pictures posted here to fansites, due to the nature of the purloined images from commercial sites. Scans are re-postable, professional photoshoots are NOT. We don't want to get shut down, nor for the fansites that repost the images to ( Read more... )

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Comments 27

unlocosbitch August 19 2005, 21:28:09 UTC
i'm actually in the process of posting some pictures i got from a fansite but they are professional photoshoots so do i make that a friends only post?


gypsyjolie August 19 2005, 21:49:06 UTC
yes, please to be safe.


aliciafibow July 17 2008, 02:41:37 UTC
They do read the scripts for action sequences but they don’t actually have to learn the lines. They are just directed as to positioning and stunts.


slutmeopen August 19 2005, 22:06:34 UTC
Should we start doing this on the other communities as well?


gypsyjolie August 19 2005, 22:15:24 UTC
no, I don't want to. Not unless you want to make the whole community friends only, which I am okay with if you really want to do it. The main reason that I think this is so problematic for this comm is that there are a couple of LJ users that we get photos of the guys from that I know for certain are getting (great but) chancey photos, and those photos are being posted here.

I take risks posting newswirte photos on hires_angelina but I'm not as worried about that as I am of a particular photographer or licensing service (Icon, etc) chasing me down.

If you want to make a case for making everything "friends only", reply here. I'm open to discussion.


slutmeopen August 19 2005, 22:31:47 UTC
I've been thinking about making hires_natalie completely friends-only, just to be on the safe side, and because I'm afraid some of the pictures are the same ones posted on fansites and I don't want that to somehow cause problems, like getting the sites shut down or angering the webmasters of those sites for possibly reposting "their" photos.

Also, it would be easiest if I made it friends-only now instead of some other time, since there's not very many posts yet.


gypsyjolie August 21 2005, 23:33:51 UTC
I didn't want to do it, but I agree. I'm making hires_angelina and hires_hotties friends only tonight too. There's been too much fuss and kerfuffle this past week about copyright and such. Why can't people just relax and enjoy the pics???



brasaremean August 19 2005, 22:38:04 UTC
to be honest, friends onyl seems liek a great idea. if you wanna see the pix join the community... or is this just the bitchy side of me talking?


tanwen August 19 2005, 22:50:40 UTC
Good call!


sultrydame August 19 2005, 23:07:40 UTC
Thanks for posting this.

I think we should just keep this community open - but if they want to view the special photos - they should just become members. Simple as that but that may change later.

Btw, did you see what gflady2 created? She did a such wonderful job! I would like to place that in that site in the top like you did for hires_angelina? I'm such a dummy at customizing the journal. :/ I remember doing it somewhere in the options... but I can't seem to find it. Can you help? :)


gypsyjolie August 21 2005, 23:31:00 UTC
I just got back froma weekend of camping. I'll try to get the header working tonight for hires_hunks. :)


sultrydame August 22 2005, 01:21:18 UTC
Many thanks!


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