Hi all! Your mods are planning a Christmas project for our very own Hiroto, but before we get started we'll like to gather responses:
What is the project about?
We would like overseas fans to have a chance to send their messages to Hiroto, and show him that there are so many of us out there. The messages will come written on pieces of cloth which the mods will make a quilt out of.We'll mail it to Hiroto, just in time for X'mas. He'll love a quilt just in time for winter, don't you think?
How can I participate?
You can either 1) write a message to Hiroto on a square of fabric [the size will be determined later based on how the response is] and mail it to us OR/AND 2) help us fund the shipping. we will probably be registering the package to make sure it gets to Hiroto, which won't be cheap,so we'll appreciate any kind of help!
Poll HIROTO X'MAS PROJECTThe poll will be closed on 1st November, Thursday.
We can't do this project without you guys, so please participate.
Thank you!