OOC - Character Information

Jun 24, 2008 11:56

Name: Hiroaki "Hiro" Protagonist

Series/Fandom: Snow Crash

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Largely Oblivious. Hiro tends to need to be hit over the head to notice the people are even flirting with him in the first place. He generally goes for people who are completely unattainable for one reason or another when he does show any sign of interest. That said, he's a true geek in that attraction is of the mind, and not of the body. He also has a thing for cameras, but we won't go into that here.

Student or Faculty Member/Professor: Sophomore

Major: Computer Science

Minor: Information Systems

Residence: Dorms

Occupation: Pizza delivery for the mafia.

Appearance: At first glance, it's obvious that Hiro's a bit of a mutt nationality wise. As far as his facial features go, he's a rather attractive Korean man with delicate features and almond shaped eyes. It's too bad that at 6'7" he's far too tall to pass as pure Korean, not that skin the colour of black coffee or long dreadlocks help at all. He also doesn't look much like a computer geek. In addition to his height he sports wiry muscles from Kendo practice and looks far more like a jock than the geek he actually is. He tends to dress in black, preferably either leather or eastern garb, or both. Whenever he can, he carries around a katana and a wakizashi, antique heirlooms from his family. When he can't, they're stored with the rest of his kendo gear. Duo to a minor internet addiction, he also tends to sport the latest in modern technology and as such carries two phones (one clip on ear piece phone, one iPhone), a Blackberry (yes, he knows he can get calls on that too), an MP3 player, a PDA, a tablet, a laptop, a keyboard glove on his arm so he can type while he walks, a Nintendo DS, a PSP, and several other random bits of tech.

If there was a report card for life Hiro's would read "Hiro is so bright and creative, but he need to work harder on his cooperation skills." A programming genius Hiro can get in anywhere and into anything, but would die of boredom in twenty minutes in a white collar programming job. Not for him are the starched white shirts of the working suburbanite. Hiro prefers to think of himself as a roving samurai prince, and tends to view the internet as more important than the real one. Hiro is rather arrogant at times especially in regards to his programming ability and sword fighting skills, but his arrogance tends to have a strong grounding in reality.

One of the first things one notices about Hiro is that he's a bit of a loner. He doesn't like letting people close, but once he does he protects them with his life. An army brat, he's used to packing up and leaving with no warning, so he tries not to form permanent attachments to anyone. He also possesses a hacker's code of honour (information wants to be free, mistrust authority, no bogus criteria, etc.) which is mixed with a bit of bushido to form an odd set of morals. He disdains organized religion, he tends to value intangibles more than tangibles, and puts his family and friends before himself.

Hiro is an army brat born and raised and it shows in his physique if not his hair. His father was an American drill sergeant stationed in Korea which is where he met Hiro's mother and where Hiro was born. As a result of his father's job, Hiro's never really lived in American, despite being an American citizen by birth. As a result he tends to think of his nationality as Army and speaks more than his fair share of languages, mostly Asian, and he also boasts a dual citizenship.

From a young age, he was taught martial arts and kendo by his father as well as more formal teachers. He took well to the training and actually enjoyed it quite a bit. The discipline it gave him was part of what instilled his strange set of morals. Despite this though, Hiro never really took to Army life. Instead, computers became his mistress and his gateway to the larger world he often glimpsed beyond the gate of the bases he lived. His enrolment in Evergrove is his first experience with life outside a military base, and at first he was more than a bit disoriented. Since then, he's quickly adapted to keeping his own hours, drinking coffee instead of sleeping, and generally enjoying himself. He's gotten a side job delivering pizzas to give him spending money, but government grants pay for tuition, room and board.

Class List

Year: Sophomore
Day/Evening: Day
Major: Computer Science

First Period: Computer Architecture
Second Period: Technical Writing
Break Period:
Third: East Asia and Its Historic Tradition
Fourth: Advanced Calculus
OOC: Classes are based on Purdue University's CS department

EXTRA CURRICULAR: Kendo (if allowed. Otherwise he'll just do it off campus) Karate (though his normal form is Kuk Sool Won)


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