Harajuku Tantei Gakuen Steel Wood: review

May 09, 2010 20:51

LOL I'd never thought I'd make this game review so soon.
but well, since I enjoyed the game and I already played my favorite characters' routes so I thought I should. plus, I'm too lazy to do assignments

Harajuku Tantei Gakuen Steel Wood review

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review, otome, suzumura kenichi, game, maeno tomoaki

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Comments 10

date_masamune69 May 9 2010, 14:29:18 UTC
can you tell me where did you helped yourself with a walkthrough?

i didn't put the game on my psp yet, i'm lookin forward to play it soon =3


hiroki_chan May 9 2010, 14:59:14 UTC
I used otome girly for the walkthrough:

I also use another guide for the test answers since otome girly didn't have it, but right now I'm currently using other PC and I don't have it in my bookmark so I'll tell you about it later ^^;


date_masamune69 May 9 2010, 15:26:02 UTC
thanks =3

ok thankies :)


hiroki_chan May 9 2010, 16:40:21 UTC

chie_lamperouge May 9 2010, 21:50:42 UTC
o.0 uwa,, hayaii,,,
saya aja baru lihat 5 menit, langsung quit gamenya LOL, entah mengapa designya kurang otomate-ish >,< (well, alasan utama karena sedang konsen di Real Rode XP )

tapi, kayaknya cerita detective nya menarik, ada mini game detective2 gitu ya?? susah nggak? /me nggak berani baca spoilernya ;_;


hiroki_chan May 10 2010, 05:09:09 UTC
aku awalnya emank berniat geto. cm pengen nyoba 5 mnt dulu tp stelah msk prologue trus disuruh mecahin kasus koq lama2 ketagihan xD

aku malah payah maen real rode "orz ntah knapa ga nemu2 jlnnya.

waktu mecahin kasus seh ada disuruh interogasi, periksa TKP, sampe akhirnya bikin kesimpulan ttg kasusnya, mnurutku seru koq ^^


chie_lamperouge May 10 2010, 10:56:46 UTC
huee,, real rode klo ngikutin walkthrough nggak terlalu susah kok,, *nyoron*

hmm,, sounds interesting~~ harus dimainin setelah tamat rode nih,, *grin*


methaliel May 12 2010, 15:37:53 UTC
Cepet banget namatnya...
Aku aja masih di awal2x mainnya T_T.
Aku ambil route-nya Misato sih.


hiroki_chan May 13 2010, 00:30:53 UTC
soalnya gameplaynya menarik seh ^^
Misato aku msh kurank tertarik, ngomonknya lambat seh -_-"


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