Noticed that you're from sby and a TVXQ/DBSK fan! Me too!! Oh,and I also saw your comment on dbsg comm on an entry about Indonesian tvxq fans.Friends? <3
yeah I've watched it! OMG.. I just remember I've only watched until ep. 3 so far *___* even though I already finished downloading all 6 episodes *headdesk*
Comments 230
Noticed that you're from sby and a TVXQ/DBSK fan! Me too!!
Oh,and I also saw your comment on dbsg comm on an entry about Indonesian tvxq fans.Friends? <3
I'm Nana btw.
mau nyapain satu2 tp ga sempet td, kburu pergi ^^ heheh
friends? OKAY! I'm Heldi :D
surabayanya daerah mana?
Iya,trnyt bnyk jg arek suroboyoane.Ndak nyangka.Ktanya si,klo denger dr tmn yg iqt forum TI,ank sby lmyn bnyk.Tp aq mls masuk forum2an.Cukup soompi ajah.Hehe.
walah, aku dah males ikutan forum. cuman aktif awal2nya doank ^^
km umur brp? skul/kul/kerja? :D
I stumbled upon your LJ when I was wondering aimlessly in jpop_upload and saw your Music Station post. ^_^
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thanks for adding me *added back*
yeah I love seto koji! :D glad we share something in common, lol.
you can call me heldi, as that's my name :)
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yeah I've watched it! OMG.. I just remember I've only watched until ep. 3 so far *___* even though I already finished downloading all 6 episodes *headdesk*
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and yes I'm abbott2007 @ multiply, lol. I no longer update it though.
btw i'm indonesian LOL.. Kekny pnah liat d FI.. Hehe
eee? member FI jg? nick-nya apa? ^^
yoroshiku ne xD
areena sebelum maintenance, dan a r e e n a setelah maintenance. tapi uda lama kaga ngepost . skitar staonan *buset*
yoroshiku xD
napa dah ga aktif lg? aku msh suka nongkrong di FI tp skrg cuman di kolam anime aja hehehe
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