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Comments 230

nha2licious January 4 2009, 16:02:26 UTC

Noticed that you're from sby and a TVXQ/DBSK fan! Me too!!
Oh,and I also saw your comment on dbsg comm on an entry about Indonesian tvxq fans.Friends? <3

I'm Nana btw.


hiroki_chan January 4 2009, 16:22:43 UTC
aku jg merhatiin bbrp fans TVXQ yg dr surabaya jg td.. bnyk jg yah :D
mau nyapain satu2 tp ga sempet td, kburu pergi ^^ heheh

friends? OKAY! I'm Heldi :D
surabayanya daerah mana?


nha2licious January 4 2009, 16:35:55 UTC
Aq di daerah dharmahusada/galaxy.Kamu?

Iya,trnyt bnyk jg arek suroboyoane.Ndak nyangka.Ktanya si,klo denger dr tmn yg iqt forum TI,ank sby lmyn bnyk.Tp aq mls masuk forum2an.Cukup soompi ajah.Hehe.


hiroki_chan January 5 2009, 03:58:52 UTC
aku di daerah wiyung. dket2 ptc situ lah. wekeke jauh bener yah.

walah, aku dah males ikutan forum. cuman aktif awal2nya doank ^^

km umur brp? skul/kul/kerja? :D


kuzechan January 30 2009, 06:17:42 UTC
Hey, would you mind if I add you?
I stumbled upon your LJ when I was wondering aimlessly in jpop_upload and saw your Music Station post. ^_^


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hiroki_chan February 3 2009, 07:26:40 UTC
hi there! yeah of course I remember xD
thanks for adding me *added back*

yeah I love seto koji! :D glad we share something in common, lol.

you can call me heldi, as that's my name :)


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hiroki_chan February 3 2009, 12:46:41 UTC
haha you're welcome xD

yeah I've watched it! OMG.. I just remember I've only watched until ep. 3 so far *___* even though I already finished downloading all 6 episodes *headdesk*


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hiroki_chan February 17 2009, 14:34:00 UTC
no, I don't mind, go ahead xD

and yes I'm abbott2007 @ multiply, lol. I no longer update it though.


areena_chan February 25 2009, 11:40:02 UTC
Hi! XD i'm WaT fans~ and i like seto kouji too.. Mind if add u? X3

btw i'm indonesian LOL.. Kekny pnah liat d FI.. Hehe


hiroki_chan February 25 2009, 13:26:28 UTC
hi!! douzo! thanks for adding =3

eee? member FI jg? nick-nya apa? ^^

yoroshiku ne xD


areena_chan April 26 2009, 07:04:04 UTC
*sorry for the looooooong late reply*

areena sebelum maintenance, dan a r e e n a setelah maintenance. tapi uda lama kaga ngepost . skitar staonan *buset*

yoroshiku xD


hiroki_chan April 27 2009, 15:33:41 UTC
ahahaha, kyknya ga perna ktemu di forum ^^
napa dah ga aktif lg? aku msh suka nongkrong di FI tp skrg cuman di kolam anime aja hehehe


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