And I know I'm early. But oh well, I wanted to get this out to you. Happy birthday
kitsunelover, and many happy returns! Here's more Giant Squid. Written using the
1sentence challenge. Yes, I am insane.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Giant Squid and Moaning Myrtle
Theme Set: Gamma
Rating: PG-13 (for very slight insinuations and, uhm, beastiality)
Disclaimer: Property of J.K. Rowling.
01. Ring
She couldn't wear it, but she thought the trinket was lovely sitting on the sand bottom of the lake, glinting at times between the Giant Squid's tentacles.
02. Hero
He was a squid, but then again, Harry Potter was enough of a hero for one deathtime.
03. Memory
The only possible thing she missed about being alive was sitting by the shore of the lake on warm spring days and tickling those tentacles basking in the sunlight.
04. Box
She never was one to collect things, but now she wishes she could do so with all of her memories of him, to hoard and to treasure.
05. Run
It was never odd to her why, when she fled in tears from Peeves, that she always found comfort in the Giant Squid's domain.
06. Hurricane
She liked to act upset when someone accidentally flushed her toilet-it gave her an excuse to see him.
07. Wings
She could float, but she never really learned to fly until she met him.
08. Cold
How can two beings so cold come together and generate such warmth?
09. Red
When he whispered of love, Myrtle could almost feel blood rushing to her transluscent cheeks.
10. Drink
Myrtle thought that she could go on forever like this, their love like sweet ambrosia, and just as eternal.
11. Midnight
The night is the cover for the secret trysts of lovers, but the Giant Squid does not shy away from professing his love at any time.
12. Temptation
The prefects' bathroom was always a source of entertainment, but she couldn't help but feel guilty for it afterwards as she went through the drains of Hogwarts.
13. View
Though the mermaids' lake-bottom dwellings were not much to look at, Myrtle thought it was especially lovely when the Giant Squid gave her a tour.
14. Music
Even the screeches of the mermaids could not break the utmost peace of their little world, not when they lounged together and watched the sunlight play on the surface of the lake.
15. Silk
She used to think that the squid must be slimy and horribly disgusting to touch, but now she would like to reach out and grasp him and let the tentacles warm her.
16. Cover
If she hadn't been dead and the water not so cold, the dark night would have hid her blushes at the suggestive stroking movement of the tentacles.
17. Promise
They never had to say anything, but she would drift out of the pipes and he would be waiting.
18. Dream
If sleep is like a figment of death, then the Giant Squid would be like her only unattainable dream that she truly desired.
19. Candle
She used to be afraid of the dark (and of dark and deep waters especially), but he served as a light enough for her.
20. Talent
Harry Potter is an especially talented person, there is no doubt, but he lacks the same finesse that the Giant Squid has, Myrtle mused.
21. Silence
The Giant Squid rarely ever spoke, preferring instead to express with touch (the fact that he couldn't actually touch her, however, was lost in the happy daze of simply being with her).
22. Journey
There needn't be any more soul searching (did ghosts even have souls anymore?)-she was quite content to sit (float) where she was and let his tentacles come as near as humanly (ghostly) possible.
23. Fire
The Giant Squid is not passionate, but his slow and sometimes ponderous ways are endearing nevertheless.
24. Strength
He almost daintily places his tentacles about her, as though he were afraid of crushing her: Myrtle appreciated the thoughtfulness.
25. Mask
No one ever bothered much to conceal their hate-the Giant Squid never bothered to conceal his love.
26. Ice
When the lake finally froze over in the deep winter, they listened to the laughter of the living wizards and witches above them, content to remain below together.
27. Fall
She only wishes that he had been there to cling onto earlier, with tentacles and love enough to catch her.
28. Forgotten
Sometimes even Peeves leaves her alone for days at a time-this used to be alarming, because then she felt forgotten, but now she knows that the Giant Squid will never forget.
29. Dance
Myrtle had always had two left feet, but the tentacles would beckon to her and, together, they made slow circles in the deep water.
30. Body
Something about tentacles-strong, supple, and full of vitality-was oddly appealing to her.
31. Sacred
Love was not something restricted to boy meets girl, Myrtle thought giddily.
32. Farewells
Harry Potter had finally gone away for good, but Myrtle found that she no longer cared, and her afterlife was now composed of watery panoramas and tentacles that never waved goodbye.
33. World
The Giant Squid had never been in all the other lakes of the world, but of all the lakes of the world, he was glad he lived in this one, to which the Hogwarts drainage system led.
34. Formal
He had only to reach out a beckoning tentacle, and she would follow.
35. Fever
Can, the Giant Squid pondered, a cold-blooded creature feel such heat?
36. Laugh
He decided that he liked her shy giggling, and they both decided that she should do it more often.
37. Lies
When Harry Potter had promised her that he'd come back to see her, she had waited a long time; the Giant Squid never kept her waiting.
38. Forever
The blessing of being dead already is that she has all of forever to be with him.
39. Overwhelmed
When Peeves' taunting became too much to bear, he would curl a tentacle around her, and then she knew that the poltergeist's jeers were wrong.
40. Whisper
A somewhat magical creature, the Giant Squid only found it necessary to speak when he was truly moved to: now was one of those times (I think I love you).
41. Wait
The Giant Squid was always there every night, prompt and expectant, and she couldn't help but be delighted that some being was willing to wait for her.
42. Talk
The two were content to have tentacles almost brushing fingertips.
43. Search
He had never met another like him before, but when he met her, he realized that true love really does transcend all boundaries.
44. Hope
There could never have been anything between her and Harry Potter-the Giant Squid loved her too much.
45. Eclipse
She can't quite remember when nights waiting in the prefects' bathroom for Harry Potter to come again turned into nights watching the various underwater fauna with the Giant Squid.
46. Gravity
It was fun to defy the pull of the earth-even better when she floated at the whismy of the tides and the tentacles with her.
47. Highway
There was something about the road to life that had led the Giant Squid to this; perhaps he had taken a wrong turn, because this sort of thing never had happened among giant squids before, but he had always been bad at reading maps anyway.
48. Unknown
She supposed that nobody had ever been with a squid before.
49. Lock
Had he been able to stroke her with an adventurous tentacle, she would have opened for him like a blossoming flower.
50. Breathe
The first time he said he loved her, she stopped breathing-she only remembered afterwards that she couldn't breathe anymore.
Comments? Criticisms? Suggestions? Declarations of Giant Squid x Myrtle = OTP!? Then please leave a comment. =D I have a tendency to ramble and write really convoluted sentences, so I'm hoping that I was able to keep these ones here clear and concise as possible. I also like to abuse dashes, semi-colons, and colons. Forgive meh. ;_; Personal favorites are 6, 21, 25, and 30.
X-posted to my GJ.