I haven't been updating much. Sorry guys.
But anyways...
Today my friend & I went to Coliseum Scarborough....
To see "The Taking Of Pelham 1 2 3"
It was good? x)
But didn't satisfied me.
But it was a good movie? x)
3.7/5 stars? D: 3.8/5 stars? D:
But anyways, the shooting by "Ryder" was deadly.
Well not deadly, but it was bloody.
Esp.when the two bad guys came out of the hotel and the police surrounded them and kept shooting them.
In slow mo, blood gushing out.
It was a good movie...rofl, I said that a lot haven't it? D:
But it was funny.
"When you come back buy a gallon o milk." Walter's wife said.
That was funny. But sweet? x)
In the movie there was a lot of swearing.
But mostly like "Fuck, fuckin",
Those 2 F words are mostly said.
But anyways. Thanks for reading!
Bye, hope I can update soon?