Ноябрь. Календарь: XIV-XVIII века

Nov 25, 2016 17:58

Оригинал взят у gorbutovich в Ноябрь. Календарь: XIV-XVIII века

Календарь в Средние века и позже

1380-1450. Апостол Петр и святой Филимон / Breviary of Martin of Aragon. November. Saint Paul and Saint Philemon. Church personified. Sign of the zodiac: Sagittarius. Apostles' Creed: Saint Jude and the prophet Malachi. Spain, Catalonia. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Rothschild 2529, 12v. Source

Ноябрь - девятый месяц римского календаря: mensis November - месяц девятый (nōvēm - девять).

В средневековых и постсредневековых циклах двенадцати месяцев сюжетами ноября могли быть сезонные работы, где крестьяне заготавливают дрова, собирают оливы, засевают поля. Один из самых распространенных мотивов месяца: выгул и откорм свиней, чтобы нарастить их вес к Рождеству.

Зодиакальный символ ноября - Стрелец /лат. Sagittarius, который чаще всего представал в виде кентавра с луком. Ноябрьским героем из античных времен мог выступать кентавр Несс, похищающий женщину - Деяниру.


Breviarium secundum ordinem Cisterciencium, dit Bréviaire de Martin d'Aragon. Date d'édition: 1380-1450. Manuscrit. Langue: Latin. Manuscrit réalisé pour le roi Martin d'Aragon (1395-1410), dernier roi de la branche catalane, comme en témoignent ses armoiries, d'or à quatre pals de gueules (Aragon). Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Rothschild 2529 (16 b)Cote topographique : VI(bas), 1, 18, fol. 12v. Source


Bréviaire de Martin d'Aragon. 12v. Source


Между 1310 и 1320 г.г. Псалтырь королевы Марии. Британская библиотека / Psalter ('The Queen Mary Psalter'). Origin England (London/Westminster or East Anglia?). Date between 1310 and 1320. Language Latin, with French image captions. Script Gothic (Textualis prescissa (calendar and Psalter) and Textualis rotunda (prefatory cycle captions)). Artists Queen Mary Master. The British Library, Royal 2 B VII, f. 81v. Source


Date between 1302 and 1303. November. Yates Thompson 8, f. 6. Breviary, Use of Verdun, Winter portion ('The Breviary of Renaud de Bar' or 'The Breviary of Marguerite de Bar'). Origin: France, E. (Metz). The British Library. Source


1422. Ноябрь, декабрь, январь, февраль / The Labours of the Months. Assigned Date: s. XV1 Searchable Date Range: 1400-1450. Dated by scribe: Yes Inscribed. Date: 1422, October 3
Number of Scribes: 2. Script: Mercantesca, for scribe i, ff. i verso - 139; cancelleresca, for scribe ii, ff. 140-144. Author: Giovanni di Maestro Luca. Title: Libro sopra aristmetricha. Language(s): Italian. New York, Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Plimpton MS 172. via


C. 1430. GKS 79 2º Speculum humanae salvationis. 6 recto gks790011v. The Labours of the Months. GKS 79 2°. Germany. The origins of the Speculum humanae salvationis, "The Mirror of Human Salvation", lie in a Latin work from the beginning of the fourteenth century. Over the course of subsequent years, however, the text was frequently adapted and translated, and it came to form the basis of a rich artistic tradition. This manuscript contains a German translation that is accompanied by nearly 200 (partially incomplete) illustrated scenes, especially from the Old Testament. Source


Detail from a November calendar of a boar being snared, from a Book of Hours, Germany (?Worms), c. 1475-c. 1485, from Egerton MS 1146, f. 12v. Boar hunting. Detail of a miniature of a nobleman spearing a snared boar, from the calendar for November. British Library. Source


Calendar page for November, with a roundel miniature of a man feeding pigs in the woods, from the Huth Hours, Netherlands (Bruges or Ghent?), c. 1480, Add MS 38126, f. 11v. British Library. Source


Calendar page for November, with a roundel miniature of a man heading home in a rainstorm, with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, from the Huth Hours, Netherlands (Bruges or Ghent?), c. 1480, Add MS 38126, f. 12r. The British Library. Source


Около 1497. Ноябрь. Бревиарий Изабеллы Кастильской / Date c 1497. Breviary, Use of the Dominicans ('The Breviary of Queen Isabella of Castile'). The manuscript includes a breviary of Dominican use, known as the ‘Breviary of Isabella of Castile’ after its owner. Origin: Southern Netherlands (Bruges). Contents: ff. 1v-7r: Calendar of Dominican use. Language Latin. Parchment. Dimensions: 230 x 160 mm (text space: 135 x 95 mm). Foliation: ff. 523. Add MS 18851, f.6v. The British Library. Source


Около 1497. Ноябрь. Бревиарий Изабеллы Кастильской / BL Add MS 18851, f.6v


Бревиарий Изабеллы Кастильской (1451-1504). Брюгге / Calendar page for November. Isabella Breviary. Created for Queen Isabella of Castile (1451-1504) in the late 1480s in Bruges, with illustrations by a number of prominent artists of the time. Additional 18851, f. 6v. British Library. Source. [This calendar page, for the month of November]This calendar page, for the month of November, contains unusual depiction of a zodiac sign. Sagittarius, the archer, is commonly shown as a centaur (half-man, half-horse), but in this instance his lower body appears to be a lion. Below, the work of fattening hogs and cattle continues, while two men in the lower left seem to be engaged in a sale of livestock.


Calendar pages for November, from the Hours of Joanna of Castile, Netherlands (Bruges), between 1496 and 1506, BL Additional 18852, ff. 11v-12. A common scene for November calendars is the fattening of pigs for the winter. The page on the left shows a typical example, with a peasant knocking acorns down from trees to feed a group of hungry animals, while a man on the right seems to be trying to coax a less-eager pig to eat. On the right is a market square, bordered by tall buildings (including perhaps a church) and watched over by a centaur-archer, the traditional depiction for Sagittarius. In the square a group of men (and a single nun, strangely enough) are engaged in the sale of cattle and pigs. Source


November. Historiated border with a roundel of Sagittarius. King's 9. Part 1. ff. 2v-255v. Title Book of Hours, Use of Sarum. Origin: Netherlands, S. (Bruges). Date c. 1500. Language Latin. Script Gothic cursive. King's 9, ff. 12v-13. British Library. Source


Date c 1500. Book of Hours, known as the 'London Rothschild Hours' or the 'Hours of Joanna I of Castile'. Detail of a bas-de-page scene. Add MS 35313, f. 6r. The British Library. Source


C. 1500. Book of Hours, known as the 'London Rothschild Hours' or the 'Hours of Joanna I of Castile'. ff. 1v-7r: Calendar. Language Latin. Parchment. Dimensions: 235 x 165 mm (text space: 105 x 105 mm). Foliation: ff. 237. Script: Gothic. Detail of a bas-de-page scene of peasants beating flax, threshing wheat and feeding pigs. Add MS 35313, f. 6v. The British Library. Source


C. 1500. Calendar page for November, with decorative border comprising a Zodiac sign, roundels, and bas-de-page scene, from the London Rothschild Hours, Southern Netherlands (?Ghent). Add MS 35313, f. 6v. The British Library. Source


Святой Мартин Турский, отдающий половину своего плаща нищему / C. 1500. BL Add MS 35313, f. 6v. Source


Add MS 35313, f. 6v. British Library. Source


Ca. 1500. Book of hours, use of Rome by Jean Poyet or his Tours workshop. Manuscript. France, Tours. Poyer, Jean, active 1465-1503, illuminator. Horae beatae Mariae virginis. Horae beatae Mariae virginis. Labors of the month and zodical sign for November/December. Cambridge, Harvard University, Houghton Library. MS Typ 614, f. 11. Source


Ноябрь. Часослов, римский обряд - Большой часослов Анны Бретонской. 1505-1510. Тур, Франция. Латынь. Пергамен. В кодексе 238 листов, 300 × 190 мм. Национальная библиотека Франции, Париж / Horae ad usum Romanum, dites Grandes Heures d'Anne de Bretagne. 1505-1510. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Latin 9474, fol. 14r. Manuscrit. Langue : Latin. Format : Tours. - Ecriture (baliser en persname les noms de copistes et en geogname le lieu de copie d'origine). - Enluminé par Jean Bourdichon. - Parchemin. - 238 ff. - 300 × 190 mm. - Réglure. Source


Часослов, римский обряд - Большой часослов Анны Бретонской. 1505-1510. Тур, Франция. Латынь. Пергамен. Национальная библиотека Франции, Париж / Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Latin 9474, fol. 14r


Около 1540. Ноябрь. Гольф-Бук, выполненная в мастерской знаменитого фламандского миниатюриста Симона Бенинга (ок. 1483-1561) / Calendar page for November with a miniature of a nobleman returning from a hunt, from the Golf Book (Book of Hours, Use of Rome), workshop of Simon Bening. Netherlands (Bruges). C. 1540. Additional MS 24098, f. 28v. British Library. Source


Calendar page for November with a bas-de-page scene of men on a hunt, from the Golf Book (Book of Hours, Use of Rome), workshop of Simon Bening. Netherlands (Bruges). C. 1540. Additional MS 24098, f. 29r. British Library. Source


Date 1733. The Twelve Months of Fruit. Print. November. Paper. British Museum. November is so called as it was the 9th month of the Roman calendar. This print represents the month with fruit. Source. [Description]Title (series) The Twelve Months of Fruit. Description: Varieties of apples, grapes and pears arranged on and around a stand held up by a sculpted male nude, and tumbling out of a small patterned ceramic bowl below, the fruits numbered 1-29 and other items A-C, with a key below, ornate frame surrounding with a hunting centaur representing Sagittarius in a panel at the top; after Peter Casteels. 1733. Producer name After: Pieter Casteels III biographyPrint made by: James Smith. School/style: British. Material paper. Etching and engravin. Lettered below image with month in an ornate plaque with key surrounding, production detail: "Design'd by Ptr. Casteels", "Engrav'd by Jams. Smith" and "From the collection of Robt. Furber Gardiner [sic] at Kensington". Museum number 1859,0709.659

Подробнее про ноябрь: Ноябрь в календарях от Рима до Ренессанса, 2015-11-26

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