Title: Invisible Magic (Part Two)
Author: his_angel16
Characters: Exo
Genre: Fantasy, Angst, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own the plot, not the people. Any actual likeness to any given person is purely coincidental.
Summary: All of his life he spent running. The shortest break he had was when he was twelve, but that was years ago now. Jongin
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Comments 7
Poor Baekhyun is still carrying his torch after all these years and I bet Kris totally sees him a his kid like Chanyeol
Don't worry. Baekhyunnie finds his knight in shining armor eventually. :D Whether it's Kris or not, I won't elaborate, but he eventually finds his man. ^-^
Thanks for reading and commenting~! :D <3 I'm going to start the next chapter in a little while and hopefully have it posted within a few days. ^^
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