Title: blue is just a fairytale
Fandom: SHINee
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Wordcount: 102
Summary: Reality is not in photographs.
Disclaimer: I do not own Taemin, least of all his mother. That would just be sick.
Are you excited for America, Taemin?
Ignoring his mother, Taemin turned to his right, staring out the airplane window. Beneath his eyes was an expanse of muddy green, the sun's rays glinting off gently rolling waves. It was the first time he'd seen the ocean from the sky.
I thought the ocean was blue.
That's what you see in the pictures in your schoolbooks, dear. I suppose all the algae can make the water look green, sometimes.
Taemin turned again to the window, squinting his eyes through the sunlight.
It...doesn't look as beautiful and breathtaking in reality.
Nothing does, Taemin. Nothing does.
Drabble I wrote last night when I was trying to come up with a proper plot for an OnTae fic. I kind of like this format, considering I completely fail with the whole omg-that's-such-a-beautiful-description! type of thing; I'm definitely more of a slice-of-life writer. I just can't write description without making it sound too clichéd, or having too much/too little. :|
Will probably adapt this to fit into that OnTae fic. I hope.