wow, my third quarter grades are surprisingly really good

Apr 09, 2009 20:36

Art II, SanGerm(ano): A (I got a 106 on the midterm, why is there no +? ;_;)

English II, Fulco: A-

Theater Prod, Sturiano/Borowka: A (rofl I didn't participate at all unless asked to in group projects, and I completely half-assed that one major written assignment we had. They weren't kidding when they said the class was an easy A.)

Latin II, Unruh: A (So either he's partial to me, or my 82 didn't affect my grade? lol my mom was like, "You went down in Latin! *insert incoherent Asian parent babbling here*")

Phys. Ed., Kaniatyn: Pass, excellent test/quiz scores, good overall effort (I'm so beast at hockey when I'm defending :D Can't play goalie for my life, though.)

CPR, Schiappa: Pass (I don't think it's possible to fail this class unless you don't show up considering Schiappa teaches it, lol)

Math II, Young: A+ (Right, it is now impossible for me to have an A as a final grade since my quarter averages have been 98, 99, and 98 and I could probably still get an A- final quarter grade if I slept half the time. Goddamnit, I don't want to move up into E Math.)

Biology, Wolin: A (HAHA, what. Most of my test grades were mid-80's; my highest was a low 90.)

Global Studies IV, Stolarsky: A- (Mom: She just won't raise your grade. Me: That's because I'm never going to get an A in this class.)

*prepares self for nerd comments*

I am in love with Utada Hikaru's new album. Hello my name is Utada, like la-di-da-di-da-di-dah. xD<3

artist: utada hikaru, school: grades, fuck yeah, school: report cards

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