Aaaaand Asuna~
Asuna always has her hair exactly as it's shown in her icons (although she sleeps with it down). Two loooong red pigtails with bells. Once in awhile she'll loop the pigtails up in a style like
this. Her eyes, UNLIKE IN SOME ICONS, are slightly different colors; the left eye is dark blue and the right eye is green-blue. Although she's almost exactly the same height as Chisame--163cm/5'4"--Asuna is quite a bit larger in stature. She's more muscular and is curvier.
Asuna dresses very well. She doesn't wear her uniform! Her style tends to be casual and feminine but not girly. She changes it up a lot, wearing both pants and skirts, plain sweaters and frilly blouses, or shirts with weird Engrish phrases on them, etc. She tends to layer and accessorize and is usually wearing boots, or sandals in the summer.
Habits/mannerisms/body language:
Asuna is pretty vigorous, by which I mean that when she does something, she tends to do it forcefully, sometimes unnecessarily so. Whether it's gesturing, running, slapping you on the back, ruffling your hair, whatever, she puts a lot of energy into things. However, she doesn't do this kind of thing constantly. So if she touches you, I will always [pose] it. Asuna's fine with touch, enjoys it, engages in it, but she's not all up in your space the way Tomo is. She is prone to violence if you do something to seriously piss her off, and friendly violence (back-slapping/noogies/etc.) if she thinks you need it. She gives hugs, too! |D
Her body language is open and confident but a lot calmer than Tomo's. She's not always moving but is natural and graceful when she does. If you're someone she has a small crush on (specific male counselors), she comes across as more reserved and nervous, but tends to loosen up a few comments in.
Again, small text = dialogue directed at herself that appears outside the text bubble in manga. Whether your character hears it or not is your call. Asuna doesn't do this NEARLY as often as Chisame, who tends to aside every other comment.
Current Residence: Newlywed Cabin, unless she moves in with the lawyers? I'm not sure XD
Typical Daily Routine:
Hah, let's see. This is tough for her because she probably has the most structured routine of any of my characters, yet I've never bothered to plan it out. Asuna wakes up VERY EARLY, like 3:30 AM. She showers, tidies up whatever needs it, maybe goes for a run, goes to breakfast. During the course of the day she eats meals, visits Chisame/her canonmates, visits Atsuko, does work for Mr. Edgeworth, wanders around a little, trains with Scarlett, exercises, goes to the onsen or the pool, socializes . . . etc. XD Asuna likes to be doing things. Some days she IS lazy and kinda lounges around and relaxes, but this doesn't happen often, maybe on the weekends. She probably showers again before bed. She then goes to bed very early, around 8 PM.
Favourite Haunts:
The Lawyertarium, her cabin, and otherwise she's generally out in the open doing something outside.
Does she make her own bed?:
You better believe it. :Dd