Burst into a blaze...

Oct 21, 2006 00:12


A sign of life from Hiska! XD
A big sorry to all, that I almost never wrote any comments, but I've read the entrys. Well, there's a lot I could write, but I'm simply too lazy. X3 ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

pukadesu October 22 2006, 11:14:28 UTC
Ahhhh WTF my comment page looks now like my Entry Page Ehhh haven't done anything O.O

Yaaaaaaaahhh Hiska is finally writing a new entry *jumps.and.hugs* I'm sorry for what happened with your leg and I could hit myself for being ill when chiisu went to visit you T____________________T Goooomeeeennnn!!! But good news that you don't have to operate ;) *yay* and if you really should not be able to go to the first row by D'espa don't worry I will stay by our site (well at least I'm able to that after the first 3 songs XD)

A big big hug from Puka-silly-girl and if you don't know that, it is possible to tell your office that you were ill or at least "arbeitsunfähig" because of your leg and then they have to give you back a certain time of your holidays *kekekeke*, if you already knew that, good for you and if not, I'm always happy to help *gg*

PS: I so fucking jealous of your Gazette DVD *gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh* bittte lass mich sie au mal no gseh *hiska.anflennt* *puppyeyes* >//////


hiskarea October 22 2006, 13:56:49 UTC
Yes...I'm still alive! XD

Du chasch ja nüt defür, wänn du chrank wirsch! *pat*
*lach*...ach das macht nüt, ich will eu ja schliessli nöd zwinge bi mir z bliibe am Konzert!

Und ja, das mit em "arbetsunfähig" weiss ich...muen jetz dänn ebe mal no zum Doc demit dä mir es Zügnis usstellt. ^__^

PS: Sure we can watch the DVD together...I'm so Gazette-addicted that I could watch this DVD 1'000 times. *___*

So see you at ZH-ViT ne? *hug*


kuronori October 25 2006, 15:44:21 UTC
wott au chogä DVD luege cho... (numme dassi imo ja nöd mini Freiziit (falls vorhande) "verschwände" sött....) >.<"

und i däm fall bis am Sa~ (*lol* jetzt chönnti di sogar amigs ohni problem gage bsueche cho... wohnsch ja richtig fasch ir nöchi..)


hiskarea October 26 2006, 21:42:43 UTC
Mer chönd d DVD mal zäem luege wänn du und dini Sis mal echli meh Ziit händ! ^^

*lach*...ja chasch mi schomal cho bsueche, bin jetz allerdings wieder chli mobiler z Fuess! X3


hades_chan November 10 2006, 18:35:22 UTC
Wohoo, Hiska's still alive! XD

Aww, you know, I'll probably also be at the LBM, but in a official mission as Kappa Maki artist (anyone who wants a signed book from me? XD) Ich chas chum erwarte, bis ich eu ide Cos gseh! o_ov


loveledusastray November 20 2006, 02:31:56 UTC
yo. ramona here. added you. :]


hiskarea November 20 2006, 22:03:26 UTC
Added you back! ^^


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