So, I got the job at Bang On!
I start next Wednesday at 5:00.
I am caligula,
glutton of gluttons.
Man over woman.
Men over women.
The whore of all men.
And I am not ashamed to admit,
it's not even to say I love all of you.
And I'm.. Arroused.
When you're lying, you lying.
We are okay in a misguided Sadist way,
we are okay.
We are okay in a disabled veterans way,
we are okay.
Can I ever begin to imagine,
the terrible itch in mind,
it haunts your mind.
The family of five,
the end of mind.
I dine with wolves again,
I travel with thieves again,
What did I teach you?
What did I teach you?
You're lying, you're lying.
We are okay in a misguided Sadist way,
we are okay.
We are okay in a disabled veterans way,
we are okay.
So, don't confuse why we put you here.
For your automation, for individuality.
A notch on my belt is how you shall exist,
a notch on my bedpost is how you shall exist.
And, no more, no less, for the common good.
That's you, American womanhood, that's you,
American womanhood.
It haunts your mind, it haunts your mind --It ends your mind.
It haunts your mind, it ends your mind...
It haunts your mind, it ends your mind.....
We are okay, in the misguided Sadist way.
We are okay.
We are okay, in the disabled Veteran's way..
We were so cold.
Haa, haa, haaahaahaa...
Haa ha ha.
Haa, haa, haaahaahaa...
(Live life in this misguided Sadist way....)
Convectuoso - glassjaw