NAME: Selfy
selfy CONTACT INFO: (aim)lolsacchinroute (email)
SERIES: Garou: Mark of the Wolves
JOB IN TRIOU: Freelance worker//Aspiring solo guitarist
BACKGROUND AND PERSONALITY: Rock’s biological family wasn’t really one you would expect from his given appearance. The Howard family were actually more into the business side of life. Rock’s father, Geese Howard, was more dutiful to his job in the Howard Connection rather than caring about his family. It was probably the only time that the young Rock ever spent time with his parents was mainly with his mother, Marie, whom sang him soft lullabies and playing a bass guitar to him. Rock grew very close to his mother but it wan’t long that one day she fell ill to a rare disease. With all the money his father had made, he couldn’t figure out why his father wouldn’t even bother to help or pay for some sort of aid for Marie’s suffering. In the end, Marie passed away and Rock was all alone. After a week of mourning over the loss of his mother, Rock went to confront with Geese and demand why he didn’t bother to help but it turns out at that time when Rock went to find Geese, he was last seen in a not-so-friendly confrontation with a man named Terry Bogard. Whatever business Terry had with Geese, supposedly due to exposing corrupted and bad business in the Howard Connection it resulted with the man never seen again. As the Howard Connection plummeted and not knowing of any other family relatives that would take him in, Terry decided take Rock in himself and Rock himself had no complaints just as long as he took his mother‘s guitar with him as a memento seeing that Rock himself didn‘t have any desire to find or even take place of his father.
At first, it was like going into a new world for Rock. Living in the streets of Southtown instead of the higher upper class as he used to live, but the apartment life wasn’t so bad to get used to and besides, Terry was already a big brother figure to Rock already. Years gone by since by since Rock and Terry lived on the streets of Southtown and the boy now reaching to his late teenage years, Rock’s only sort of income was doing odd jobs and help wanted jobs and during his freetime, he played with the guitar his mother used at the PaoPao Cafe. While not really liking the thought of using his fighting arts that Terry taught him (for defending himself against thugs and the like) to earn money as a means to live on the streets, Rock decided to live his life as a musician! Terry, giving his blessings and support, tells Rock to make his own path in life and don’t have any regrets in following his dream.
Spending most of his earnings to buy a ticket to Triou, Rock is mostly seen being a part-time worker here and there but mostly plays at the local bars, cafes and wherever it is allowed to play music for earnings just how he was in Southtown. He had submitted some of his guitar works for Black Out but with no lyrics most of the time. And since he wasn’t much of a singer, he mostly played as a backup player for groups needing an extra or a replacement for recording purposes if the original band member cannot make it for whatever reason, just so long as payment is given to him in advance.
A serious young man with dry humor and a lot on his mind, Rock can be seen as an aloof person that says a few words on the outside and that maybe true at the first few encounters with him but he is quite compassionate to those who need help or warms up to him and vice versa. He doesn’t like to talk about his past, especially if its about his parents. (He would refer Geese as “That man” for example.) But because of his upbringing from Terry and mostly traveled to places with more men and pretty much had male contact since growing up with the exception of his mother, wouldn’t be around long Rock around than women. Not quite a phobia one would say but it’s more of a case of shyness and uneasiness when members of the opposite gender are around.
By the time you’ve read this letter, I’ll be playing my own music for the first time for a real business. Not full time just yet, but I’ll get there eventually. Triou isn’t that bad of a place to live in surprisingly enough, but I suppose living in a place like Southtown would make anyone think that. So far I’m doing good on my own with just enough money to pay for rent at the apartment complex and have some left for food and other necessities with my earnings. I’m just going to make this my own way and not fake myself like most of the big time musicians do, so look forward to listen to my tunes when my first CD does get out!
Hey listen, I’m trying to think of a good song to play but not so much motivation on my side to help me out, so I was wondering if you can give me a suggestion or even some advice if you can to help get my mind in track. I get little spurts of a muse once in a while but I flat out get into a slump.
Anyways, just write me a line whenever you get the chance. And say hi to everyone back home for me too.
-- Rock “Not a rookie” Howard
ANYTHING ELSE? Rock has a neat talent to perfectly play any song on bass after hearing it once, which helps him for giving some assistance to other bands if they need help for recording music as mentioned from above. Also, he has been given the nickname “Rookie” to almost everyone he meets, so he will respond to that as well if someone is talking to him.