Jason: What it be?
Devon: It be le tired.
Jason: Again.
Devon: Yeah, I know. How are you?
Jason: I'm all right.
Devon: It's been a long, stressful week, yay.
Jason: How about an e-shoulder rub? It's super futile.
Devon: Ha ha, thanks for the thought? Did Dave show?
Jason: Yeah, we hung out for two days. Really fun. And maybe today, we'll see.
* * *
Jason: So what up?
Devon: My feet? Ha ha ha. I'm good, but bad.
Jason: Bad?
Devon: It was a bad joke. My feet are up...
Jason: Oh. Are they?
Devon: No, actually. They're on the floor. Slippered.
Jason: So then NOTHING you said tells me what you're up to.
* * *
Jason: I had never heard the low battery sound of my new phone so this morning while it was going off I kept yelling at it, thinking it was telling me I had a new voicemail. I was trying to tell it I didn't care.
Devon: Pffft. Dummy.
* * *
Devon: I have an interest in smartphones because I want to use them in my thesis project. In a limited way.
Jason: To call partners? Or like to order pizza? Or to use as a watch while working on it?
Devon: To use to read QR codes encrypted with URLs to mobile content. Android- and Symbian-based OS's come with the software to read them already a part of the system. iPhones have to download an app.
Jason: Oh.
Devon: More proof that Apple sucks.
Jason: Is that like instant texting messages?
Devon: QR codes?
Jason: Yeah.
Devon: No, they're like a barcode
Jason: Oh. So it's like a game.
Devon: ...no? How?
Jason: It sounds a lot like Solitaire, honestly.
Devon: Ha ha, sure.
Jason: So it's not a game, it's not instant message chat... so it's like an app? You listen to music with it? Mpthree? Realplayer maybe?
Devon: So funny.
* * *
Jason: I showed Dave Parks and Rec, and after a couple eps he just kept looking at me and saying, "WHY haven't I heard anything about this show?!"
Devon: Ha ha.
Jason: And the third season continues to bring the writing.
Devon: Well good.
Jason: It IS good. Don't be an asshole.
Devon: Never an asshole....
Jason: Yeah right. You're an asshole like half the day.
Devon: I'm not awake half the day if I can manage it.
Jason: But assholes can be beautiful things. So maybe that's not such an insult.
Devon: Hmmm. HMMM.
Jason: What?
Devon: I'll determine whether or not I should feel insulted...
Jason: Ha ha. Go look at a "beautiful asshole." Google that.
Devon: Um, no.
Jason: I know I'll regret it, but now I kind of want to. Just to see what comes up.
Devon: Ha ha ha.
Thirty seconds later...
Jason: Yep, didn't totally enjoy that.
Devon: Ha ha. Unsurprising.
Jason: Wasn't as bad as it could have been, ha ha.
Devon: Uh, really?
Jason: Well of course. Use your imagination.
Devon: No thanks.
* * *
Jason: Actually I doubt the market would be that niche. But let's stop talking about it, perv.
Devon: ;P
A minute later.
Jason: Ha ha, don't replace talking about it with creepy silence!
Devon: So self-conscious...
Jason: Ha ha. You're being a creepo.
Devon: Ha ha, what? How so? That wasn't a lecherous silence.
Jason: What are you up to then?
Devon: I'm staring at the TV. But I don't remember what's on. So I fail my own challenge.
Jason: Ha ha. Proof that you were thinking about something else...
Devon: Proof that my brain is in bed. Yours is in the gutter.
Jason: Uhhhhhhhh, ha ha.
Devon: Effff.
Jason: Yours is in bed?
Devon: No!
Jason: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...
Devon: I meant I was tired. Shut your face.
* * *
Jason: Um, for me, I really enjoy nostalgia.
Devon: Nostalgia is embarrassing for me.
Jason: Embarrassing things are just reminders of how we shouldn't speak or behave or think. It's good to remember them.
Devon: No. I can remember the gist without having to get specific reminders.
Jason: Well I like it. Things like that make me happy, strengthen my enjoyment of who I am now. And some are still funny or fun to remember. I hoard things that make me happy. Years ago, I spent way too much money on these sweet DVD box sets. And I was so proud. I felt like just owning them made me awesome, ha ha.
Devon: And?
Jason: These days, sure, I like having the DVDs, but emails I've kept around, or say scraps of paper from a class, movie ticket stubs, a bookmark I've never uised... those ignite memories I'd thought I'd forgotten. And they ensure at any point in time I can have a little... burst of happy, I guess. Whenever I'm bored or I need it.
Devon: That's kinda nice, actually.
Jason: We just lose too many words, too many conversations. It's nice to keep some around Also... things like that don't seem important until it's years and years later, and you say, "God damn me, I only have one picture of Spencer." And more memories of him slip out while I'm sleeping. I had too many chances to record them and I almost never did.
Devon: Aw...
Jason: So I'd like to remember some Devon in case there's a time I can't just call her up and talk old times.
Devon: Ha ha. What a sap.
Jason: Screw you, ha ha. I enjoy enjoying my life, even if it's in retrospect.
Devon: Ha ha ha.
* * *
Devon: Then we had an hour break and I sugared my system up with a scone before the next hour, in which we spent 50 minutes watching a movie about the Bauhaus. Which was kind of cool, I thought. But the prats behind me were restless. And put stuff in my hoodie hood. This is a Masters program........
Jason: Ha ha, that's awesome.
Devon: I hate you. Hoodies are not for dumping stuff in.
Jason: Ha ha! Did you find out when you put the hood on?
Devon: Ha ha, no, I felt him poke my back, so I ignored it until the end of class and then just checked my hood when I stood up.
Jason: Aw.
Devon: Pfffffft.