Emofest09 Lorcan/Hugo/Lysander 6

Jan 01, 2010 18:16

On his way back to the library for the third time that day, Hugo tried to convince himself that he should be glad for the distraction from his other problems by dealing with the one that Scorpius gave him even if the whole mess was related. He just couldn’t get excited about spending more time in that maze of books looking for ways to hurt people who were his friends and who trusted him. He was trapped, forced to say and do things he wouldn’t normally commit to all in the name of concealing the secret of who he was.

Madam Pinkerton was more than happy to show him to the section on hexes and charms and to lend him a quill and note pad in order to preserve the sanctity of her books’ margins. With no real idea which would contain the key to betraying his housemates while saving his own skin Hugo chose a random few from the shelf and headed for the safety of his corner table. No sooner had he sat down with his hex books in front of him that he noticed, with a twinge of something akin to rage and disbelief, an all too familiar book sticking out of the shelf, upturned and resting on its spine with a piece of paper sticking out of the top pages.

He was really beginning to hate that green charms book and yet it still managed to have the power to make his heart race at what it contained and he snatched the book from the shelf flipping it open. From the handwriting, he could tell that the same someone as before had written him back. Again. He couldn’t believe it before but now, a second time, there was no denying it. People who care about you won’t be hurt by who you are.

Just like before, Hugo stared at the piece of paper for a very long time although this round wasn’t because of disbelief. It was such a stereotypical response he couldn’t help but feel let down. It didn’t make him feel better, it didn’t solve any of his problems, it didn’t change anything. The people who cared about him now didn’t know who he really was and if his recent actions said anything, they definitely wouldn’t like him if he did. Someone who told lies, said things strictly to hurt others, deceived friends and betrayed their own house, someone who had kept an important, defining aspect of himself secret from everyone and walked all over anyone who got in his way to keep that secret safe wasn’t someone he would want to be friends with so why would anybody else?

I don’t know who I am anymore. he answered, his letters becoming more shaky as he wrote. He didn’t realize he was crying until a drop splashed onto the paper smearing the ink of the last word beyond recognition. “Shit,” he cursed, sitting back and wiping his hand over his eyes before anymore tears fell. He really was turning into some limp-wristed queer, sobbing and carrying on and it had to stop. The problem was he couldn’t stop weeping, not until he bit his tongue so hard he tasted blood. Glancing down at the paper only made him want to tear up again so before he could he pushed it back into the book and put the book back on the shelf where it belonged. How pathetic was he that he could only tell the truth about himself to some stranger he’d probably never meet?

Hugo decided it was probably best to just check the books out and look at them somewhere else, that way he wouldn’t risk getting caught crying in public. The last thing he wanted was for someone to ask him what was wrong, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep much to himself at that particular moment. Besides, he thought hopefully, maybe if he left the charms book alone long enough whoever was on the other end of that now damp scrap of parchment would respond.

The books on hexes kept Hugo busier than he had anticipated. His essay for Professor Boot, on the other hand, remained untouched and nearly forgotten on his night stand. It didn’t matter if he got back on the team or not anymore; Hugo had decided he didn’t deserve to be a part of something like that while at the same time he was desperately attempting to find a way to stab them all in the back. It was just like what Abbey had said about his girlfriends. It was wrong of him to date women now that he knew he wasn’t interested in them. Even if he was slowly damning himself by everything he had done and planned on doing in order to keep anyone from knowing the kind of person he really was, he still had some sense of right and wrong.

Still, he sat with the team during dinner and wasn’t the only one to notice that once again Abbey wasn’t with him. When he told them they had broken up Rose had been concerned, asking him if he was alright while Liam asked if it was okay with him if he asked her out. Hugo smiled glumly and played the part of Hugo Weasley the best that he could throughout the whole meal and when it was over, he left the group returning to Gryffindor Tower to return the library books that had proved to be no help and to check out another.

Madam Pinkerton joked that they had to stop meeting each other like this and Hugo found it depressing that even the librarian managed to make him feel like a bastard. He quickly exchanged his books on treachery for others and then slipped off to the back of the library to the home of the green book and his anathema.

There was no denying that he was in the right spot, his table hadn’t been moved and it was the only one tucked away in the corner of the library but the green charms book he had come there looking for hadn’t been over turned to signal a response, it wasn’t waiting for him on its back with the hint of the note sticking out between the pages on top. Just to be sure, Hugo flipped the book open to the note. The paper had dried, ‘anymore’ was still smudged but there wasn’t an answer, no banal attempts to comfort him.

He wasn’t sure what to think. Had he scared them off? Did the fact that he’d turned into something even he couldn’t recognize turn the light off on his pen pal’s compassion? Confused and feeling a little rejected if he must admit it to himself, Hugo closed the note back up in the book and slid it back into its slot. Maybe he’d just been forgotten about? Had he been abandoned in favor of more important things? He stared at the book as if by watching and wishing somehow an answer to his last reply would present itself. Nothing happened, nothing was going to happen, but he waited, sitting at his table for that to change until Madame Pinkerton told him the library was closing and he’d have to go.

Hugo discovered the perfect hex he could use to both cast away the last shred of decency he felt he had and to get Scorpius what he wanted all while keeping the blond’s mouth shut about his secret sometime after one in the morning. Usually when he finished a big project or solved a particularly difficult problem Hugo felt a sense of relief and slept well but this time, tonight, he just felt isolated and cold even though he was buried beneath layers of warm blankets. He wasn’t the best at potions but since his life depended on it and he had just enough time before the next Quidditch match, he was sure he could make a passable Infelicitas, or bad luck potion just in the nick of time to save his own sorry hide.

The next morning Hugo woke up to an empty room and when he saw that it was nearly eleven he knew why. He’d been up half the night, slept ten hours, and still felt groggy when he got out of bed. At least he was until he realized in those ten hours someone could have gone to the library, found his charms book and the message inside, and wrote back. Daring to be hopeful, Hugo decided he’d check first thing since he had to return the books he no longer needed with the instructions for the Infelicitas potion copied down among his other Potion’s notes. He took a shower and got dressed quickly with little to distract him. He refused to let his mind wander further from what he was going to do next. He didn’t want to think and depress himself so he refused to let his thoughts go. Dressing comfortably in a t-shirt beneath a jumper and a pair of jeans he grabbed the books and slipped out of Gryffindor Tower.

The library was even quieter on Sunday afternoon than it had been on Saturday although he knew that would pick up in the evening so it was best to check the charms book before that happened. If whoever he was writing to was going to answer he was sure they’d have answered by now. If they hadn’t then they probably wouldn’t again and even if that wasn’t what he hoped for at least he’d know.

Hugo had thought not receiving a response was the worst possible outcome for this latest trip to the library but when he turned the corner that lead to the aisle with his charm book and his table, he realized that wasn’t at all the case. The worst possible response was what was
waiting for him. It wasn’t the book happily sticking out from the shelf waiting for him. Instead it was Lysander, holding onto the green text in front of him like a shield, his expression wrought with concern. “I know who you are,” Lysander said softly and yet loud enough for Hugo to hear him all at the same time and even though he was a whole aisle away, he could see that Lysander looked fragile and very close to breaking apart. “And I still love you, Hugo.”

All of the hope and good feelings Hugo had started the day with scattered. It had been Lysander writing to him the whole time, from the very beginning, and inbetween all of it the pair of them had sat together and talked and studied without Lysander letting on in the slightest. He’d known Hugo had been in trouble and in pain and hadn’t done anything to help him. The notes passed through the book seemed much less of an outlet or salvation now and instead, Hugo swelled with anger and defense. It was impossible to deny anything now that he was face to face with Lysander who had the book held out like that, the note sticking out from the top but he still wanted to. He also wanted to punch him and to run away.

He chose flight without much thought but didn’t get away a step before Lorcan emerged from behind an aisle of books, holding his hands out to stop him. “I know who you are also, even if you’re not sure, and you’re not a bad person.”

Lysander set the book down and moved closer, holding his hands out as if it mattered that they were empty. “It’s okay,” Lysander crooned and Hugo backed up into Lorcan to get away from him. The older twin held Hugo by the shoulders, a grip that Hugo struggled briefly to escape from but couldn’t which was strange since he was sure he could over power either of the Scamander twins. “Hugo, please say something!”

Hugo wasn’t sure what to say. He wasn’t sure if he’d lost the ability to speak at all because his voice was clearly paralyzed. At least it was until Lysander touched him, a light brush of his pale fingers over Hugo’s arm. “You...!” He croaked but he couldn’t think of anything to follow. He was angry, hurt, relieved, embarrassed, and ashamed all at the same time and none of it lent to comprehensible words or language. “Why didn’t you say anything?” He demanded finally, his most pressing of questions somehow breaking through the mire of confused emotions in order to make it out of his mouth.

“I thought it would be better if we didn’t,” Lorcan admitted from behind him and once he seemed convinced that Hugo wasn’t going to try and escape, he released his grip. “Lysander wanted to right away but I insisted we shouldn’t. I thought it would be better if you didn’t know who it was. I wasn’t sure you would be able to admit to anything if you knew who you were talking to.”

“But then when we saw the note this morning!” Lysander tugged it out of the book and held it out to him. “Look! Hugo!” He pointed to the smudged word, “We saw how sad you are! Look how sad you are.” For this first time that he could remember, Hugo saw Lysander look forlorn, staring at the note as if it were a hurt baby animal that couldn’t be saved. The younger twin lifted his head sharply, wiping his eyes with his shirt where it was pulled over his fingers. “There’s no reason for you to be so sad over something like this!” Lysander hugged him, the second time in as many days, something that made Hugo think back to the last time. ‘It’s okay’, Lysander had said with more reassurance than he had thought appropriate. The hug then had been the same as it was now and he realized the consolation and the affection were exactly the same and on account of the very same thing.

He lowered his arms around the younger twin in response, a gesture that made Lysander burst into tears for reasons Hugo couldn’t fathom. He was the one with all the problems, he should be the one losing it, not the boy in his arms. “Alright, alright. Don’t cry.” Hugo tried to be soft but the gesture was clumsy and he felt awkward.

“He’s right,” Lorcan agreed and stepped in to pry his brother away from Hugo’s chest. “Here.” He wiped his brothers face off with a handkerchief and kissed the weepy trails down Lysander’s cheeks before grinning at him until Lysander copied the face. “How about we take Hugo to the laboratory?”

“The secret laboratory?” Lysander asked, still with a sniffle.

“Well we can’t take him to the public one, can we?”

Lysander laughed and even if it was still thick with emotion, it was an honest expression and he turned to Hugo with a dewy smile. “We only have the secret laboratory, he’s making a joke.”

“It’s alright,” Hugo attempted to placate, anything to get those tears to fade. “I think it’s funny you have any laboratory at all.”

The lab turned out to be the Room of Requirement, no longer a secret after the role it played in the history of the war, but a place Hugo had never been to before. It was the place, Lorcan explained, where the two of them worked on all of their experiments. There were a few cauldrons bubbling quietly out of direct sunlight and a few objects trapped mid transfiguration from one to the next and a whole slew of origami animals over nearly every working surface there was. Rana sat in a glass tank as if it were a real frog hopping over and over into the glass in the direction of the door where they had entered from.

Inside, Lysander was surprised to find the makings of hot peppermint cocoa but when Hugo told him it was his favorite he seemed to understand. Once they all had a glass, the talking began. Lysander really had been the one to respond to his notes, Hugo realized, since most of what he said seemed cliche or the type of dialogue one would expect from a bad movie. He told Hugo that it was alright if he was gay, that it didn’t matter as long as he was true to himself, that people who loved him wouldn’t reject him and if they did they weren’t really his friends at all. Lysander told him it was difficult to be honest and to come out to the people he loved but that it would be worth it, that his sister and family and all of his relatives were good people who had lived through worse things than someone they were close to admitting they were gay.

Lorcan echoed the sentiments with his own stories of how it definitely wasn’t easy, that there were people out there who would hate him because of what he was without even getting to know him first. He assured Hugo that even if things were bad that he would always have the pair of them to go to if they needed help, support, or someone to talk to.

Hugo winced inwardly more than once at how much what they were saying sounded like a silly after school special or public service announcement but at the same time, he had to admit it was oddly reassuring to realize he wasn’t alone and that maybe things wouldn’t end in flames like he had anticipated. By the time he reached the bottom of his cup of cocoa he didn’t feel nearly as dismal as he had before and he was very glad he hadn’t run away from the twins in the library.

“You know,” Lysander said slowly and more seriously than he had before when he was trying to reassure Hugo that everything would be okay. “Hugo, we haven’t been entirely honest with you.” At the curious look on Hugo’s face, Lysander quickly explained as he gathered up the cups. “We haven’t lied, I mean, but we haven’t been completely open and that’s the same as lying.”

“Well,” Hugo didn’t want to even think about all the things he was with holding from the pair of them that he probably should have mentioned, “that’s okay. I don’t have to know everything, you can keep some of your own secrets, I’m okay with that.”

“Not this one.” Lorcan interjected, knowing exactly what Lysander was talking about without having to confer with him. “It’s kind of a big one,”

“It’s important.” Lysander agreed. “We tricked you into telling us your deepest secret so it’s only fair that we tell you ours.”

“You...don’t have to,” Hugo answered carefully, ashamed to admit that if it was a deep dark secret he really did want to know. Who wouldn’t? Besides, they were right. They did know his.

“I insist.” Lysander shook his head and took Hugo’s hand again, squeezing his fingers.

“It’s okay with me.” Lorcan echoed.

With that Lysander nodded and Hugo geared up for a very big admission. “Hugo, what you should know is that Lorcan and I--we, well, we’re together.” The way Lysander said the last bit left it impossible to interpret what he meant any other way than ‘as a couple’.

Of course that wasn’t news to Hugo. “I know,” he said cautiously, no longer sure how either of them would react to anything.

Lysander looked flabbergasted and he dropped Hugo’s hand in shock. “What? You do? How do you know?”

Even Lorcan leaned over, interested for more details. “Did you hear a rumor? You can’t really believe rumors you know.”

“It’s not that!” Hugo leaned back a bit, waving his hand between them in the hope that it would give him some more distance from them. “I saw the two of you in the library yesterday.” At their blank looks, he clarified, “you know, before we worked on my essay and you were, you know,” they still didn’t seem to catch on and Hugo thought for Ravenclaws they were being particularly daft. “You were fooling around? Do you remember?”

Lysander blushed this time with a little gasp and covered his face with his hands. Even Lorcan looked a little pink but he laughed a little bit nervously to help lighten the mood.

“I’m so embarrassed! Humiliated! Abashed! Discombobulated! Mortified!” Lysander moaned.

“It’s okay!” Hugo laughed out loud and shook Lysander by the shoulders lightly. “I don’t even know what half of those words mean!”

“You mean you don’t care?” Lorcan seemed suspicious as he tipped his head to the side, watching Hugo carefully. “You do realize we’re brothers don’t you?”

“Uh...” Hugo looked from one to the other. Physically the pair were identical. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure I know.”

“You don’t think it’s wrong?” Lysander looked as disbelieving as his brother, as if he could look any other way!

“I guess I just never really thought about it before.” Hugo admitted. It was incest, obviously, and far outside the reaches of normalcy, but he couldn’t seem to be offended or disgusted with the knowledge. Obviously they loved each other very much and there wasn’t a possibility of pregnancy since they were both male so if it was a crime it was pretty victim-less and no one was getting hurt. “No, I don’t think I care. Besides, it was kinda...hot watching the two of you.”

“You stayed and watched us?” Lysander shrieked and covered his eyes again. “I’m so so embarrassed!”

“It’s our own fault for being in such a public place.” Lorcan dead panned, watching his brother over react. “Besides, if he stayed and watched it was probably pretty good.”

Feeling miniscule and like his skin was on fire from embarrassment, Hugo tried not to look at either of them but found it difficult not to watch Lysander as he murmured, “yeah. It was. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you guys. And after that, I went back to some table and kind of sort of jerked off.” Never in his life had he used that phrase to another person’s face before and it felt every bit as humiliating as he thought it would but he didn’t regret saying it, especially when Lysander smiled at him the way he did at the admission.

“You did?” He asked softly, tasting the words as he spoke them and moved closer towards him. “Right there in the library? Because of us?”

Lorcan was moving closer with the same gleam in his eye that turned the corners of his twin’s mouth and left Hugo feeling like a rabbit trapped by two cats. “I’m sorry,” he apologized as Lysander put his hands on Hugo’s knees.

Both of them were close and only getting closer and he wasn’t sure which he was supposed to focus on, the twin crawling in his lap or the other one leaning so close he felt lips brush over the shell of his ear as Lorcan spoke, “there’s no reason for you to hide behind bookshelves now, Hugo.”

“That’s so true,” Lysander agreed in a warm, oozing voice as his fingers walked up his thighs like giant ivory five-legged spiders.

Before Hugo could say anything, Lorcan purred a sanguine “shhh” into his ear and took the hem of his jumper in his hands, tugging it up over his head.

What Lorcan didn’t know was that Hugo wasn’t about to protest. Each seductive word, glance, smile, and insinuation shot through him in a warm wave of heat that went down straight to his loins and swelled. While Lorcan peeled away a layer of clothing, a loss that did nothing to cool Hugo down in the slightest, Lysander went for the front of his trousers, unbuttoning them and pulling the zip down slowly as if to match the length of time it took Lorcan to get his shirt off.

“I’ve always admired you,” Lysander admitted breathily and Hugo found himself speechless staring down at the pink-cheeked tow-headed blond in his lap with his hands on his pants about to strip them off of his body before doing something he could only imagine to him. And then there was Lorcan at his side who had somehow managed to sit in such a way that Hugo’s body was trapped between his thighs without him even realizing it. The hand he had seen wander over Lysander’s body was moving up beneath his shirt and over his stomach in a way that made his muscles contract and jerk with need.

“We’ve watched you,” Lorcan agreed, speaking against his skin so that Hugo could feel the brush of his teeth and tongue over the veins in his throat. He wanted to thank them, to say anything so he wasn’t sitting there at their mercy like some helpless virgin but all that slipped out of his mouth was a moan. “I see,” Lorcan kissed his throat, his mouth moving slowly down to his collar, a perfectly valid response to his moan Hugo knew but somehow not enough at the same time.

Thankfully the twins seemed to read his unspoken signals and Lorcan tugged his t-shirt off while, at the same time, Lysander pulled his jeans down, his narrow fingers fitting beneath the waist and tugging them slowly but steadily down his hips and thighs, preceeded by his slender body. The younger twin had to get to his knees for the leverage needed to yank them off his feet one leg at a time before he tossed them over his shoulder. Hugo saw his t-shirt join his pants shortly there after leaving him in only his underwear. He wished he’d worn something else besides a plain pair of white boxers but he really hadn’t expected to end up in this position when he’d woken up that morning.

“Look how hard he is,” Lysander’s hands clasped in front of him and he eyed Hugo’s erected cock as if it were a vacuum cleaner.

“I’d like to see,” Lorcan rested his chin on Hugo’s shoulder to join his brother at appraising his dick, “but it’s all covered up so I couldn’t properly say one way or the other.”

“I can help with that,” Lysander offered all too quickly but before he could grab the waist of his boxers, Hugo collected his hands and shook his head ‘no’ quickly.

“Th-that’s not fair,” Hugo stammered, his mind swimming with so many different thoughts he wasn’t entirely sure if what came out made any sense at all. “I mean, you two are both fully clothed, why do I have to be the first one naked?”

“Because it’s our laboratory?” Lorcan suggested but his tone wasn’t at all demanding.

“I don’t mind evening the pitch.” Lysander looked all too coy as he wobbled back a step or two on his knees before tugging the vest he wore unbuttoned off his shoulders and onto the ground. He followed it with the shirt beneath, tugging it up over his head. For the first time, Hugo saw the clean expanse of Lysander’s chest, pale with lean but apparent muscle beneath unfettered ivory skin. The sight of pale pink nipples that matched the color of his mouth made Hugo wet his lips without realizing it. Once he was half naked, with his hair mussed from static electricity, Lysander started on his trousers, unbuttoning them and pushing them down his thighs. “Do you feel better now?” He asked Hugo as he ran a hand down from his throat to his chest, his stomach and to the front of his body beneath the hem of his knickers.

“No,” Hugo heard himself croak. He didn’t feel better, he felt more desperate than ever, desperate to get his hands on all that flesh and to get the rest of his own clothes off, desperate to see Lorcan take his clothes off so he could watch the whole scene over again as if it were the first time. He twisted his head back to look at Lorcan but the older twin already had his jumper in a pile on the floor.

“I think I need your help.” Lorcan commented and scooted back enough to give Hugo room to face him completely. He took his hands, guiding them to the front of his trousers to let Hugo unfasten them.

He felt as if he were hypnotized, unable to turn away even as he heard Lysander finish undressing behind him. Lorcan was every bit as beautiful as his brother and even if he knew from first hand experience it wasn’t the case, they looked as pure and angelic with their otherworldly coloring as anything he’d ever imagined. The more naked they became the more difficult it was for him to tell them apart. Hugo’s hands moved as if they weren’t connected to his body, unbuttoning Lorcan’s trousers and pulling them down from his hips. Without being asked they went on to finish their job and hooked around the waist of Lorcan’s underwear to pull them down too. As he did, Lorcan dipped forward, forcing Hugo to look up at him as he kissed him, cradling his face in both of his hands to hold him steady as he pressed their mouths together.

Hugo was surprised but quickly melted into the embrace. Kissing Lorcan Scamander was much better than any of the other girls he’d kissed before in his life. It made him feel weak, all the way down to his core and at the same time desperate for more. He didn’t have a chance to concentrate on any one thing for too long though. As he pushed Lorcan’s knickers down to meet his trousers, as he was being kissed, he felt Lysander behind him, pulling down his underwear and kissing him also, a soft, sweet trail down his spine to the small of his back.

All too soon in Hugo’s opinion, Lorcan broke the kiss, letting him go so he could finish removing what clothes Hugo had started on and when he shook the last pant leg from his foot, he looked down at the two of them on their knees in front of him. “There. Now we’re all even.”

Even though Lorcan said that, Hugo knew it wasn’t the case. They may all be naked but he had no idea what he was doing, what was going to happen, or what was going to come next. The twins were all to helpful in that respect and lead him through exactly what they needed.

“Hugo,” Lysander won Hugo’s attention away from his brother, still on his knees with one hand wrapped around his own erection. “I want you to be my first. My first with someone that isn’t my brother,” he told him, softly pleading exactly the way he had imagined Lysander would in the library. It twisted his insides up into a nervous and excited knot. He nodded and moved to intercept before Lorcan caught him by the shoulder, forcing him to look back.

“I also want you to be my first, Hugo. My first that isn’t my brother.” Lorcan’s tone was only slightly less breathy than his brothers but only just.

“O-Okay.” Hugo agreed, looking between the pair of them.

His confusion made Lysander smile and he laughed gently, turning Hugo back towards him, his fingers sliding over his jaw and angling Hugo’s mouth towards the cock he held in his other hand. Hugo understood then and nodded, crawling towards him. He wasn’t at all confident in what he was being asked to do and his own ability to follow through but Lysander didn’t seem to share his nervousness at all and stroked his hair reassuringly. When Hugo took him by the hips he heard Lysander gasp in excitement before parting his lips to allow Lysander to guide the head of his cock past them and into his mouth.

Lysander’s response was so blissful it served to only fuel Hugo’s confidence as he drew what he could of the twin into his mouth. The taste was distinct, nothing he’d ever experienced before but something he felt he could grow accustomed to at the same time. It was sooner than he thought when he felt Lysander’s head hit the back of his throat. Lysander made a little squeaking moan and tipped his head back, breathing through his mouth as his hands massaged over Hugo’s shoulders and curled in his hair. “That! Just like that! Then-” But Hugo knew what he was supposed to do and proved it, forming a tight ring around him with his lips and sucking on what he had. He lavished Lysander’s cock with his tongue, letting the slick, slippery muscle slide back and forth and all around him as his head bobbled slowly at first over his erection.

“Me too,” Lorcan interjected but before Hugo could wonder about how he was supposed to suck two different dicks at once it swiftly became obvious that Lorcan had other plans entirely. He had his wand which shot out a clear, smooth looking gel over the twin’s hands, a goo he felt transferred to himself as one of Lorcan’s super slippery, coated fingers slipped between the cheeks of his backside and into him.

Having never been penetrated by anything before the sensation was more than strange. It made Hugo gasp and lean too far into Lysander’s cock which then left him choking and coughing and Lysander laughing and rubbing his shoulders. “You should really warn people before you do stuff like that, Lorcan! It’s okay, Hugo, I have that reaction too!”

Lorcan chuckled softly and apologized but Hugo didn’t really think he was that sorry since he was smiling and pushing deeper into him, stroking his insides with that one petulant finger.

Hugo just concentrated on breathing while shuddering at the very intimate but extremely wonderful sensations running through his body. “I’m okay,” he murmured, holding onto Lysander’s hip again as he looked over his shoulder at the twin’s brother. “Give me everything you’ve got.” Then, with the glove thrown down, he took Lysander into his mouth again, sucking harder than before. Lysander definitely appreciated the gesture and dug his nails into Hugo’s shoulders with a cry of pleasure.

Determined to show Hugo how much of a problem that wasn’t, Lorcan added a second finger to his internal massage as he murmured a spell to coat his cock in the same gel that ensconced his fingers.

Hugo had become so used to the feel of Lorcan’s fingers inside of him that he didn’t notice when they slipped away right around the time Lysander began to thrust his hips into his mouth eagerly, biting his lower lip to keep from losing himself completely. With one of Lorcan’s hands firmly on the small of Hugo’s back and the other grasping his hip, Hugo felt the head of something much larger than a pair of fingers being pressed against him. Lysander noticed too and pulled out of his mouth. His fingers took up where Hugo’s lips had left off. “Are you ready?” Lysander asked, panting and stroking the side of Hugo’s face with a hand.

Lorcan seemed to be waiting for some sort of response so Hugo nodded, his voice hoarse as he acquiesced. “Yes. Yes.” He looked back at Lorcan. “Yes. I’m so ready.” With that, the elder twin smiled and with Lysander’s instructions to watch, he did as Lorcan pushed himself into his body. Hugo tensed despite his best efforts not to because it hurt. Even with all of the precautions the twins had taken, it still hurt. He grunted and grit his teeth, understanding why Lysander had taken his dick out of his mouth and willed the painful sensations far away from what was easily still the most amazing moment of his life.

It swiftly became apparent why Lysander had wanted Hugo to watch as Lorcan penetrated him. The look on the older twin’s face was flattering, sheer pleasure on account of his body, a feeling that Lorcan never would have experienced if it hadn’t been for him. It certainly was enough to dull the ache, unless that was just his body getting used to everything. Lorcan opened his eyes, a molten gaze full of lust and desire strictly for him, directly towards him, that gave him goose bumps over every inch of his exposed flesh.

Lorcan’s hands on Hugo’s hips tightened as he thrust into him again and this time, the second time, it was much easier. He felt Lorcan fill him, hard and hot and right down to his deepest, most concealed desires, awakening and arousing them. Lysander forced his head back around and Hugo saw that probably this whole time Lysander had been stroking himself, keeping his erection warm and ready. The head of his cock was weeping precum and cautiously, because he certainly couldn’t chicken out now, he let his tongue lap up the drops spilt. It was another strange taste, not as neutral as the flavor of Lysander’s cock but something he knew he could learn to live with especially in a situation such as this.

Taking Lysander’s cock into his mouth again, Hugo felt himself move under the force of Lorcan’s thrust, pushing him forward over Lysander’s dick. Dropping his hands to the floor for balance, Hugo rode the waves of the pace set by Lorcan’s hips as he was fucked, letting the older twin’s motions dictate how he moved over Lysander’s cock.

It was difficult to concentrate on anything so he just went with everything, let go of all of his inhibitions and gave all his control over to the pair of much more experienced boys. His cheeks sank in as he sucked on Lorcan’s erection as if it were a piece of hard candy, moaning and groaning and grunting like an animal around his mouthful as Lorcan pounded into him.

Before he realized it, and before either of the twins, Hugo came, spattering his stomach but mostly the floor with his orgasm. Lysander chose that moment, Hugo’s deepest expression of utmost pleasure to thrust himself deeply into his throat. Ejaculation was enough of a distraction to overcome his gag reflex and thankfully, shortly there after, he felt the hot spill of Lysander’s seed dripping down his throat. He swallowed the cum and Lysander, making the younger twin shout even louder than he had when he’d came and grind himself into Hugo’s mouth shamelessly.

With the performance of both Hugo and Lysander in front of him, Lorcan bent over Hugo’s back, holding onto his shoulder as his thrusts became faster and powerful enough to make Hugo jump over the floor. Like an animal he grunted into Hugo’s ear, hot breath washing over his face and making him tremble all over and then, just when he thought it was all over, he felt Lorcan’s arm encircle his waist and pull him back as Lorcan sat down, impaling Hugo on his still strong erection. “Remember...Lysander,” Lorcan groaned as he spread Hugo’s thighs and held them apart. “Hugo! Hugo is our guest.”

“I didn’t forget!” Lysander insisted and with his chest still heaving, he smiled in the same predatory fashion as before he crawled back towards Hugo who had never felt more deliciously trapped and helpless. Lysander’s ivory colored fingers ran over the smooth interior of Hugo’s thighs making all of his muscles clench and thus making Lorcan moan in a bestial fashion as he kept thrusting into him.

Hugo hadn’t thought it possible, but even though he’d just come his body seemed ready to go a second round already. It must be the way Lorcan was grinding into him and the desire he saw reflected in Lysander’s eyes. The younger twin didn’t waste any time as he took Hugo into his mouth. He didn’t consume just the first few inches the way Hugo had. In fact, to his astonishment, Lysander just kept taking more and more in until he felt the head of his cock slip down into his throat and Lysander had all but nestled into his pubic hair.

Lysander began to purr then, a slow steady hum that vibrated around his erection in a way that made Hugo shout, pressing back into Lorcan who held him firmly in place with both arms around his chest. Only when Hugo relaxed did Lorcan let him go, a hand sliding over his chest to a nipple, pinching the firm bud of flesh and rolling it between his fingertips. The shock of pain that went with it cut through the lustful haze that had stuffed his head with cotton in an instant and made Hugo feel everything sharply all over again, the sensation of being stretched out over Lorcan’s cock, the way Lysander held his thighs open far enough to make the muscles ache and the all too maddening sensation of possibly the best blow job he’d ever had in his life.

Hugo came a second time, Lorcan managing to hold out only a few moments longer before following suit. Lysander cleaned every last drop of sticky cum from Hugo’s cock before he sat back, wiping the corners of his mouth with his fingers and then licking them clean as well! Lorcan let go of him and Hugo felt himself sink forward, boneless and exhausted even though he hadn’t moved save for a few feet. Lorcan pulled out of him which felt almost as good as everything else and left Hugo dripping and wanting more. He rolled over onto his back, his eyes closed, doused in sweat, and panting at the ceiling. How he’d ever been afraid of anything like this was beyond his wildest imagination.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, NEXT, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10 final

long fics, emofest, lorcan/hugo/lysander, slash

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