What I've Been Up To Lately

Jan 30, 2006 08:45

So my New Year’s resolution to keep this journal more up to date didn’t even last a day. Well, since this week marks the start of February and I always look at the beginning of the month as a new start I’ll try again.


The last semester has begun and I can not be more excited to think that in 12 weeks I will be done with my masters!!!  Unfortunately both of my final classes require a lot of work, which means no slacking in my last semester.  The classes I am taking, International Marketing and International Financial Management, are interesting though so at least I look forward to going to class.  One of the projects for the marketing class is a consulting project for IKEA determining whether or not the company should expand to Florida and if so where in Florida.  Anyone have any thoughts on IKEA?  I know that I would love it if IKEA came to Florida.  They always have such great stuff on their website.


After a long search (not really) we chose our baker.  Here’s some samples of work that they have done in the past.

The funny thing is that I picked this baker and then found out later they are the same one that did my friends wedding that was on Whose Wedding is It Anyway?  I meet with them tomorrow to talk about the design.  The previous meeting was just for a tasting which I have to say was tons of fun.

I also have met with 4 florists and am waiting on the proposal from the last one before making my decision.  That decision should be made this week.

This Saturday, 3 of my bridesmaids and I are going to a Homa veil and headpiece trunk show and to try on bridesmaid dresses.  I bought these earring and now need a headpiece to match ( I really just want a small comb)

After we are going to a cute little place called the Briar Patch for lunch.  I can’t wait to spend the afternoon with my girls!


Since we are getting married before Damon finishes school we are planning on taking a 4 day mini-moon after the wedding to the Keys and then after the bar in February taking a much longer trip to Hawaii for our real honeymoon.  Right now I am working on a finding place in the Keys that looks like to would be fun.  Any suggestions are appreciated!

Well I better get back to work!

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