[Feed opens (though a bit staticy, for some reason) on a room in Goldenrod's Hotel.
A room the occupant hasn't taken too much care to clean up, considering there's a shirt over there and a bag over there and Pokeballs scattered across the floor and a Vulpix on the dresser and
two eggs sitting crookedly in an armchair (at least they're nestled in what appears to be the comforter of the bed). But that's really not all that important. What's important is that there are two people in the bed.
And one is getting a headbutt from whatever is holding the gear.
Zuko sits up, startled. He blinks when he sees the gear, attached to a Mareep.] ... Are you hungry alread--[Headbutt] --! Fine, I'm up... [He rubs at his eyes with his arm, putting his other hand down on--
A person. What the fuck is up with this morning?! As he's staring, somewhere between confusion and horror
a blonde sits up.]
Good morning~ ♥