Title: Less Like Dreams
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Arthur/Cobb
Word Count: 92
Summary: Some things aren't meant to be. For
One Sentence Smut-a-thon, for the prompt
Inception, Arthur/Cobb, dreamboat. General Spoilers for Inception (2010).
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Author’s Notes: Because, oh hey -- this movie is epic.
Less Like Dreams
He watches -- watches because there's nothing else, nothing more when they spin like this: buoyant and unhinged, untethered -- when between blinks he could miss it, could let it pass into oblivion without sparing a thought, a twinge of feeling or longing; he watches, because strung-up and falling, timed to the swell of a symphony that rests heavy in his gut, the sight of him is lighter, more or less real: Dominic -- caught in dreams less like nightmares, for once -- looking almost peaceful; beautiful in ways that words weren't meant to touch.