Title: Labyrinth
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ten/Donna
Word Count: 100
Summary: His mind is a labyrinth. For the
doctor_donna Weekly Drabble Challenge #4: Curve.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Author’s Notes: A turn towards something a little more angsty - just a bit of introspective, Ten-centric drabbley-ness between term-paper writing.
His mind is a labyrinth, and for all of the people he’s lost inside of it, she will never be dead to him.
She was like him; so much like him, from the very start. She was everything he had ever hoped to have - hoped to be.
And predictably, he destroyed her. It’s his nature, it’s his way - he always hurts the ones he loves. He doesn't know how to do anything else.
His mind is a labyrinth, and yet still she lingers just beyond each curve.
He chases after her, but she’s gone before he can ever reach her.