⦾ Lulzy bitching only. People being dicks OOC will be given the boot.
⦾ Keep IC and OOC separate!! You are not your character and neither is your character you! Do NOT drag real life issues into RP.
⦾ We'll trust you to respect LJ's ToS and be at least 15 years old.
but WARNING: HH may at points contain material not suitable for minors!!
⦾ Posts that do include adult themes (for example pornz, drug and alcohol use, or excessive violence) must be friend-locked.
⦾ Please disable customized comment pages for your journal
⦾ While still a crack community we expect you to be LITERATE AND COHERENT unless it is done with reason based either on character or situation.
⦾ Two characters are allowed per player, but
playercest is no fun for anyone and should be avoided.
There is a two week buffer between your first and second character claims.
God modding is also NOT ALLOWED. Inclusion of other characters in plotting and rp is acceptable as long as the player KNOWS and APPROVES of what's going down.
(Revised 8.20)
You're expected to post in your journal at least once every calendar month.
Between posts you're also expected to comment around other character posts and participate in party posts. While no one is going to go count comments, it's obvious whether or not a character has or hasn't been active in other posts besides their own!
Repeatedly posting as activity checks are made every month only to be absent in between them is NOT ALLOWED and will be considered character sitting.
If you expect to be unavailable for play for an extended amount of time, please announce your hiatus through posting at the OOC community. Include in that post an estimated amount of time you'll be away.
Despite hiatus, inactivity for longer than 2 months is not allowed and you will lose the claim to your character.
Activity checks will be made on the first of every month, and if there was not a post made over the month prior, that journal is considered INACTIVE and that character DROPPED and MADE AVAILABLE TO BE APPLIED FOR.