What's in a Name?

Mar 14, 2008 00:29

Dude...Gokudera really is sacry ...

So, during my Doujin scanlation project, on a whim I looked up the Kanji for Gokudera's name...

Japanese Names always have some kind of significant meaning and Manga artists unusually put a lot of though in naming their characters thinking of names that are a reflection of the characters over all personality ^_^

Well... I know the 寺 dera (tera) part means temple but I was curious as to what the the 獄 Goku part was...

There's only one reading for it which is Goku ( Kanji often have 2 or more readings) and it means prison... Every other kanji my dictionary listed that had this in it had to do with prison...with the exception of one...

it is also the goku part of Jigoku which means Hell.

O.O "dot dot dot"

I looked up his first name too and my dictionary listed 隼人 Hayato as a M. Given Name and the 隼 Haya part means Falcon... which I thought was pretty cool... since you know, Falcons are awesome
人 (hi)to means Person

So...His name basically means Prison Temple Falcon Person... or, A person in a prison temple that is falcon like...

Kinda Badass if you ask me ^_^

I took the liberty of looking up the Name Meanings for some of the other characters ...

雲雀 恭弥 Hibari Kyoya :

I don't see how they get the reading Hibari out of these two kanji but...

雲 means Cloud *echemcloudgaurdianwhat*

雀 Means Sparrow ...XD bird he trained to sing the school song...

The 恭 Kyo means respectful and 弥 Ya means Increasingly ... So...Hibari is increasingly respectful?...I guess if you think about it he kinda is...in his own way. School Pride and everything

山本 武 Yamamoto Takeshi

Yamamoto is a fairly common Japanese surname. Yama 山 means Mountain and Moto 本 means Origin

The Kanji used for Takeshi 武 is also the Bu in Bushi and Bushido. Samurai and Way of the Samurai

笹川 了平 Sasagawa Ryohei

Sasagawa is another common surname. Sasa 笹 means bamboo grass and Gawa (Kawa) 川 means river.

Ryo 了means Compleat and the Hei 平 means common or average.

Hei can also means peaceful and is the same Hei in Heiwa which means peace... so Ryohei is eaither Compleatly Average or Compleatly Peaceful ^_^ Which do you think?

沢田綱吉 Sawada Tsunayoshi

Sawada as another common Surname... Sawa 沢  can mean Swamp or Blessing O.o....ok

田 Da (Ta) is one of the most common kanji and means rice paddy

... so Sawada means eaither Swampy Rice Paddy or Blessed Rice Paddy. um...ya

Tsuna 綱 means rope and yoshi 吉 means good luck... so Lucky Rope? I dunno

Woot for useless Trivia! Now you're all Smarter! :D

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