Title: The Art of Mediation
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Genre: Humour
Pairings: well, none; you may ship Ishizu and Yugi's Kuriboh plushy
Characters: Yami, Yugi, Ishizu, Kaiba
Warning: Yami's general lack of ability to adapt the modern world
Summary: Ishizu couldn't imagine the Pharaoh having a row with the Chosen One; now she was finally treated to the sight.
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Comments 6
I'm now unreasonably flaily and find life worth living for, after all.
And since I see in a comment below that you're looking for active YGO comms, there is ygodrabble. It's a challenge comm, and the writers there are generally great.
[I might not talk all that much, if ever, about YGO, but I'm still a devoted follower, reader, and player of the game, so I always enjoy a good YGO piece! There's a couple general YGO-related comms around, too, which I'm sure would be more than grateful for a good piece of ficcage! :D]
Thanks so much for the next installment in this! *showers with love*
Aw, the problem is that most of the YGO:DM comms on livejournal seem to be rather inactive, as though the show has simply gone out of fashion. (RAWR CLASSICS LIKE YGO NEVER GOES OUT OF FASHION) Can you recommend one or two comms to me?
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