The Harry Potter movie opened this weekend in Japan! And where do you think I was?
Hmm...unlike everyone else in the group I went with, I seemed to be the only one to think the movie was so-so. However, I'm a little biased cause the 4th book is, by far, my favorite book of the HP universe. (you suck,
kusoyaro) My main gripe? The pacing and teasing! I think what pissed me off the most was not the fact that they COMPLETELY left out some characters (Ludo Bagman? Winky? WTF?) but that they would tantalize you with some gorgeous scenes...and then completely skip ahead and not finish it! Best example: the Quidditch World Cup. They did the intro w/the Irish and Bulgarians, but then just...stopped and skipped ahead to the Death Eater rampage. I just felt they really built it up for no reason. *sigh* Although I understand that they had to cut a lot to keep the film at a reasonable time, but still... *pout*
I pretty much felt pissed through the first half of the movie with the pacing, but the second half was much better! Although I still have gripes as to how they handled the death of Barty Crouch Sr, since they did change that a little bit, but whatever... The scene I was most impressed with was, of course, the Voldemort showdown. Ralph Fienes did a good job with it, although he seemed a little more 'insane' than I pictured him from the book. (I usually imagine him to be a cool, calm, collected, and cruel villain, ya know?)
I think I need to see this movie again to really solidify some of my feelings about it. But as to whether I'll pay another $18 in a Japanese theatre? Hmm...debateable.
My rating? 3.5/5