Title: Domesticity
Pairings: Hitsugi x Sakito
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Comments: Non-AU bit of fluff. Hitsugi attempts a Halloween tradition. Sakito tries to help.
"What is that...?
"It's a pumpkin," Hitsugi said proudly after a brief look of confusion. "What did you think it was?"
Sakito shook his head slightly as he entered his friend's kitchen, blinked twice and squinted at the mess on the table suspiciously. "I know what it is, but why does it have a knife sticking out of it?"
Indeed, the misshapen orange squash was half mutilated and still contained the weapon of destruction sticking out of what appeared to be a gaping mouth. The top and stem had been brutally sliced off, entrails and seeds cascading down one side. Speechless, Sakito approached it cautiously to peer inside, gingerly tilting the pumpkin corpse for a better view of the 'face'.
"Oh, I'm carving it. I found instructions for making jack-o-lanterns online. Isn't it cool?" Hitsugi was clearly excited about his project. He picked up the printed instructions and thrust the picture under the other guitarist's nose. "See? It's an American tradition to make creepy pumpkin decorations for Halloween. I haven't quite got the hang of it yet, though."
Cross-eyed, Sakito glanced at the image with a sinking feeling that his friend's was never going to look even remotely close. "Er...yeah. It's great," he consoled, a patronizing smile curling on his lips.
“Anyway, I thought you might want to help me. It is almost Halloween and all we’ve been doing lately is work, so….” Hitsugi ended with a shrug and a hopeful smile, offering a fresh knife to his friend. Using a steak knife for this seemed like an inherently bad idea to Sakito, but he took it anyway and plopped down in the seat in front of Hitsugi’s creation.
How difficult could it be? Apparently, very difficult. The first cut went completely awry, joining the eyes together with one, long slice. “Euh…” Sakito bit his lower lip sheepishly, and looked up for approval from Hitsugi.
Laughing, the shorter man reached around, placing his hand over Sakito’s to demonstrate the sawing motion he should be using. “Like this. It’s much easier.”
“Oh, I see…” Hand twitching almost imperceptibly, uncomfortably with Hitsugi’s touch, he mimicked him in a poor example of the technique. “Why is this so hard? It’s just a--” Sakito’s comment cut off with a startled yelp as the sharp edge of the blade sliced into his opposite hand, the one holding the pumpkin in place while he tried to carve it.
“Ahh, you’re so clumsy Saki…” Hitsugi clucked like a mother hen, quickly grabbing a clean dish rag off the counter to stem the blood welling up from the wound. A clean cut, at least, but gory nonetheless.
Sakito tried to pull away, saying quickly, “It’s fine, it’s fine! I can take care of it.”
But Hitsugi wouldn’t relinquish the captive hand, continuing to dab gently at the wound, thumb absently stroking the palm of Sakito’s slender hand. “You won’t do a good job,” he said quietly, clearly trying to soothe some of the other guitarist’s characteristic jitters at close proximity.
He was right, of course, Sakito wouldn’t have done a decent job of taking care of the cut. Hitsugi knew him far too well. He succumbed and allowed his friend to persist, wondering how different life would be if he had someone to take care of him all the time. Someone like…Hitsugi…
They both had falling into a trance-like silence for the long minutes it took to staunch the blood, but Sakito’s only semi unwanted vision of domestic life with his best friend caused him to look up suddenly, a faint blush blossoming over his cheeks. “Er…I think it’s time for a band-aid….”
“Huh?” Hitsugi was also brought out of his reverie; was he having the same fantasy? Regardless, the guitarist appeared flustered and immediately scurried off to find his first aid kit, gaze resolutely on the floor. When he returned, he was mostly composed again, though there was a tiny tremor in both their hands when Hitsugi went about applying the dressings.
Sakito smiled to himself. There was no question - both friends were thinking the same.