here are the (serious) entries of my taemin-photo giveaway that i gathered~ (if the other ppl were serious or someone of my flist/of ffa still wants to participate, drop me a line until tonite *sat. august13-sun. august14* midnight german time) meridianslairI wan tap dat ass
Your skinny jeans are too fab
Taemin get in me
celestic_blueTaemin, beautiful
Gorgeous and lovely person
I wish you were here
flumpool_shineeYou sexy mofo,
Don't wear strapless bras again.
Body shots with me?
mariehoeseaOh god fuck my life
No inspiration, but
I want you, Taemin
everyone can participate in the poll. CONTESTANTS ARE ALLOWED TO VOTE but DON'T VOTE FOR YOURSELF, OKAY!? no cheating. >:] i see all.
voting will close on wed. august 17, 8pm german time. if by then not more than 4 people (aka the contestants prolly) have voted, i will extend the time until sat. august 20, 8pm german time.
[i won't participate in the vote, since i don't want to be biased in any way.]
Poll taemin haiku