So yesterday was awsomeawsomeawsome.
This Day & Age & The Spill Canvas @ The Bottom Lounge.
I didnt take a lot of performance pics & the ones I DID take sucked.
he's being emo...
hXc ganstuhs
Jimmy & I left after The Spill Canvas. At the bus station, I laughed so hard I was crrrrying.
We decided to be artsy.
god bless *67
THE ROCK. you know, we all come from that rock.
Then we decided to be ugly.
Ditched 8th with Angela & Karl. Charlie & Helen came with, but since their seniors it wasnt realyl ditching. We went outside & saw Jeremy there. He tried to get us all to buy tickets to the October 8th battle of the bands. We all said no. He dosent know me, but I think he hates me. SWEEET.
I kept on saying all this sarcastic shit to him.
Helen had to go so we walked to the park. Angela & Charlie..made out the whole time while Karl & I talked. wooo.
hooray for ditching 8th pr. geometry.