Title: Ryuu no Namida (prologue)
Author: hiyoshichii
Rating: pg-13/pg-17
Pairing: HSJxOC
Summary: In a magical land in a different world from ours, join a boys and his friends overcome their challenges with they need to face to reach their fate desires.
In this magical world,
A world where many creatures crawls,
A certain prophecy was made,
A fate destined for a young boy,
A young hero.
A man in a coat was running through a snow covered forest, carrying a package wrapped in a loin cloth.
‘I got to hurry.’ The man gasped.
‘You got to go… I’ll hold them back.’
‘I can’t leave you.’
‘If you don’t hurry, it will close.’
‘But….’ Loud yells came from behind.’
‘Go now!’
*Flashback ends*
The man kept running until he managed to reach a cliff. At the edge of the cliff, there was a weird purple spiral light. The light was slowly vanishing.
‘The portal…’ The man thought, picking up his speed, rushing towards the light.
He was a mere meter away from the light when he felt an arrow pierce his left leg.
‘Arg!’ The man groaned, collapsing on the ground, at the same time dropping the package. The man was losing his conscious. The last thing he saw was the package he had dropped rolling into the portal before the portal vanished.
A tall lanky boy suddenly appeared out of thin air and collapse on another boy. Suprinsingly the boy did not even buckle or flinched at the sudden weight, instead he glared at the taller boy.
‘Get off me!’ The shorter boy growled.
‘Come on, Yama-chan. Let me stay here a while. I like to sleep here.’ Yuto replied, making a muscle twitched on the shorter boy forehead.
‘I said, Get off me!!!!!!’ The shorter boy growled louder.
The next thing Yuto know was that he was flying through the air and crashed into a tree trunk due to being thrown by the other boy.
‘Ouch…..’ Yuto groaned.
‘Serve you right, Yuto.’ A voice said from another nearby tree.
‘Hello, Chibi.’ Yuto greeted with a smirk, but flinch when an arrow pierce the tree he was leaning on, right beside his head.
‘Are you trying to piss me off too?’ The boy replied with a smile, but a twitched muscle on his forehead was obvious. Yuto raised his arms as though he was surrendering.
‘Let’s go Yuto, Chii. We’re going to be late at this rate.’ The other boy said, looking at his watch.
‘I rather be late, let the other go first and make their impression. After all we always win, so why hurry.’ Yuto said.
‘Don’t underestimate them. I heard there a new guy from the north. I heard he is strong.’ The latter replied.
‘From the north? Razeburg?’ The boy nickname Chii said.
‘Razeburg or not, everyone in this town knows you are the best when it comes to strength and sword fighting.’ Yuto said.
‘Yuto, this is Razeburg we are talking about. The best human mining village in Calimel.’ Chii replied.
‘So what if they are good in mining. It doesn’t mean they are good at fighting.’ Yuto argued.
‘You are really an idiot some times. They are a mining village, Yuto. Since they are trained to mine and you need to be strong to mine. Furthermore not only mining, Razeburg are famous to be some of the best blacksmiths, they are used to handling hand to hand combat weapons, so do you think they are strong now?’ Chii explained.
Yuto’s eyes widen in realization.
‘Yama-cha, you might get in trouble!’ Yuto started panicking.
‘Yeah, thanks Yuto for making me feel better.’ Yama-chan said sarcastically.
‘But you might get injured or worst you might die!’ Yuto continued panicking.
‘Yuto……. It is a fight, it’s completely normal to get injured. Moreover, by joining this fight we are already signing our death warrant. My death to me means nothing.’ Yama-chan said, while glaring at Chii as though saying that he should just kept quiet. The latter just smiled sheepishly under his glare.
‘Anyway we’re already here guys.’ Yama-chan said looking at the arena in front of them.
*Sorry for making you wait for this fic. I'm also sorry for not updating for so long. Please enjoy. Comments are loved. Ty.