Title: Life and Lies of Horikoshi Academy (chapter 12)
Author: hiyoshichii
Rating: pg-13
Pairing: Yamachii, Daikiryu, Okajima, Inoobu
Summary: Horikoshi Gakuen is a school full of secret. All that was known of this school to the public that only kids that were special were allowed to attend to it. This is the story of a boy by the name Yamada Ryosuke
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Comments 9
can't wait for the ending....
Kyyaaaa!!! Dai-chan don't love Ryuu, *big jealous*
nice, hope for Dai-chan's part so much, finally he take his role ^^
haha... you like dai-chan....
dai-chan role is accually very interesting that why the title is 'life and lies of horikoshi academy'. so many lies and secret i feel like fainting.
thanks for reading... i'll post in 2 to 3 days time is i can.
the ending still quite sometime but the lovey dovey part will be coming....
really curious how's Yama then...
Chinen, Dai-chan, chuu~~~~
i want more yamachii part..^_^
this chapter is too short..:D
^_^..thanks for update
been too busy lately got no time to even check for comment.... will post as soon as possible.
ok..i'll wait for it
Now, I wonder if Yabu is a bad guy... X/
I can't stop to think that way since Chinen become a murderer because of the Academy, isn't it? And the headmaster is Yabu... :/
And wow about DaiRyu...
I am so surprised to see this pairing, but I guess it's because my clumsiness not to read the pairings above.. XDDD
next... ^^
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