Called an indefinite hiatus from Ent and dropped from Reims. Feel awfully disappointed in myself over it, but it's better than idling out
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If Ubuntu comes across as bad to you, give Xubuntu or Kubuntu a shot. Ubuntu's... been taking a pretty undesirable direction, in my opinion, and the derivatives are still somewhat usable. (At least, for now.)
I've shifted to other distros myself (CrunchBang and Arch, in particular), but those are a lot less beginner friendly (at least Arch) so I couldn't really recommend them too much.
Comments 1
If Ubuntu comes across as bad to you, give Xubuntu or Kubuntu a shot. Ubuntu's... been taking a pretty undesirable direction, in my opinion, and the derivatives are still somewhat usable. (At least, for now.)
I've shifted to other distros myself (CrunchBang and Arch, in particular), but those are a lot less beginner friendly (at least Arch) so I couldn't really recommend them too much.
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