I have a very distinct feeling that today's family gathering is going to suck.
I've also disabled IM Forwarding for my AIM; I can't really afford any more text messages right now, so if I'm offline and you want to talk, you either have to wait for me to show up or just call me if you have my number.
So. Fourth Wall at Luceti. There's a Koakuma post here and I'll make one for Brooke on Saturday night, plus I'm tagging a few others a bit with Sara, one of Brooke's castmates.
That's all I can think to post about right now. 8|;
I've been feeling a bit burned out in regards to RP and am beginning to give serious consideration to dropping out of one or two of the four games I'm currently in
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So over the past couple days, I picked up both Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and Phantasy Star Portable 2. I haven't gotten too far in either one yet, but I'm generally enjoying the latter of the two more. Just like in Blue Burst and Phantasy Star Zero, my primary character in it is one Mirys Hargrave, only now she looks a lot better and sounds like a
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So, Zero's theme in MvC3. I was actually expecting his theme from Megaman X3 to be used, but his theme from X2 is a pretty good choice itself and I'm not going to complain about it.
I also recently decided to dig through the Wii Shop Channel and look for some old games to try picking up, and eventually settled on Shining in the Darkness, the very
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I generally keep my self-introduction in my DreamWidth profile now and post links to it when necessary.
The things I usually post about on LiveJournal tend to be related to my misadventures in gaming or RP. I sometimes post to talk about other things, but it isn't terribly common. I might start talking a bit about the page I have going on Google
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