TITLE: Mistletoe on Fire (because I missed last week)
FOR: Solar Tomato
SHIP: Ron/Hermione
"Ron, stop, no, you're doing it wrong--"
"No, I'm not, Hermione--"
"Yes, you are, its supposed to turn blue--"
"And what do you call that? Purple?"
"Well, actually--"
"It's blue, Hermione."
"Ron! Wait, no-- if it's not completely blue, then--"
"Then what? It'll burst into flame?"
"Like that."
"Do you smell something burning?"
"Yes, Ron. The mistletoe."
TITLE: Like A Fox
FOR: Solar Tomato
SHIP: Arthur/Molly
Doo doo doo, doo doo. I am a stealthy soldier. My steps are as silent as a pin dropping. My skills are as sharp as a knife. Nobody can catch me-- Ha! And I've fired! She's hit!
"Ow! Arthur! That hurt!"
"It was only snow, Molly."
"Okay, so it didn't hurt, but still...."
She turns back to the snowman she's making with her friends. I duck. I grab a handful of snow and stand up again. Again, I am stealthy. Like a fox. I will not be thwarted! I will be victorious, and-- Ow! I've been hit!
"Yes?" she asks innocently. She's innocent, my left foot.
"Did you just throw that?"
"Throw what, Arthur? Oh, this?"
She launches another snowball at me.
I am so going to marry this girl someday.
20 points to anyone who gets the Simpsons reference...