Hi there :)
Since LJ is not quite cooperative today, I'm gonna make a separate entry to thank you, guys...
Some notes in case somebody who didn't read LOTR books reads this story:
- Mithrandir is Gandalf's elvish name;
- Estel is Aragorn's elvish name;
- Peredhil and Half-Elf are ways people sometimes refer to Elrond;
- Maiar are very powerful
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Comments 4
How many pairings your fic gonna have??? *curious*
Which pairings would you like to see? *curious too*
Well it would be lovely to have some Aragorn/Legolas luving...lol...and of course--Han/Luke. I´m starving for it!!
I'm a hopeless Aragorn/Legolas and Han/Luke shipper... they look so right together \^o^/
They are going to be together at some point of the story - just can't say when or how (first because it would spoil the surprise and second because right now I haven't decided this yet.)
More will come soon,
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