yeay! they're all of stephen, cause that's what she sent me. 2 of them are with me talking to him, and one with one of my suprised looks! :D
oh Lowen. do me now.
see us! we're in the back, and he's holding me hand! SQUEE!
wow, he's actually listening to me rant about something...
that is hot, tim.
again, Lowen, so hot.
yes, um, thank you stephen, that's a drink... (those were supposed to be smoothies, but they turned liquidy really fast when i endered the room. Bad Dum CHI!)
SQUEEE!!!! he's so cute!!!!!!!!
you can see Stevie (shuddup kate!) in the back, then the back of Tom's head, then there is Tim looking stoned as usual, then BJ's (praying mantis) shirt, then adorkable (pun intended) stephen.