How's My Driving?
∞ Comment with all the journals you RP with (and the communities they're from).
∞ Reply to other people's comments (anon or logged in) with constructive criticism.
∞ Learn from the suggestions and profit!
▶ Play nice! Flaming will not be tolerated, and threads with such will be deleted. Save the wank for
roleplaysecrets▶ IP addresses are not
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a_general_chaos | paradiselostrp | city_of_midgar | sixwordstories
unlocked_hart | paradiselostrp | city_of_midgar | sixwordstories
_devil_inside | paradiselostrp
cant_stand_up | paradiselostrp | the_bto_unit | sixwordstories
judgmentdivine | paradiselostrp | im_mortalis | sixwordstories
agent_ofchaos | im_mortalis | sixwordstories
seeing_within | im_mortalis | sixwordstories
Go nuts, if want. :D ((missed one, drat))
But yes! There will be much rp in the future, come hell or high water.
But all my failures aside, I love the way you play him and how you took a Biblical character and gave him life, personality and play each facet of that personality flawlessly. OC or not, he's amazing. I hope I can write as well as you one day. ♥
Michael's actually been in my head for about six years now, back from the old yahoo chat rp days. Stone-age, I know, but 'tis true. I just never considered putting him in to LJ rp, because I figured folks'd freak out, but I'm thrilled to see that's not the case! I do love him, and can only humbly hope to do him any sort of justice.
Omai, that's a long time! Don't worry, you're doing him justice and then some. I talked about our threads with my friends while we were playing (cuz lol I'm totally a dork) and they all agreed, your Michael is great. I don't think anyone is freaking out. :3
In conclusion, a million cookie points, you're awesome, you win the internets. |D
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