Concrit Post 18

Jul 21, 2010 06:26

How's My Driving?
∞ Comment with all the journals you RP with (and the communities they're from).
∞ Reply to other people's comments (anon or logged in) with constructive criticism.
∞ Learn from the suggestions and profit!

▶ Play nice! Flaming will not be tolerated, and threads with such will be deleted. Save the wank for anonmemearchive/roleplaysecrets▶ IP addresses are not ( Read more... )

!mod, !concrit

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notakissslut July 20 2010, 22:24:28 UTC
Dawn Summers | BtVS | notakissslut

Dawn Summers | BtVS | orumad

Dawn Summers | BtVS | orumad

Dawn Summers | BtVS | orumad

sixwordstories/various verses therein
Shyanne Arceaneaux (OC) | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | wrestlesgators
Tessa Harker | Original Character | coulduseafriend
Meg Masters (AU) | Supernatural | 50wordsoflatin
Wanda Maximoff (AU) | Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe | icandothemath
Bethany Morrow (OC) | Supernatural | noturbabysitter
Christina Nickson | Point Pleasant | noiwon
Gwen Raiden | Angel the Series | tombraiden
Raziel | Biblical, Supernatural (OC) | benot_afraid
Dawn (Summers) Reilly (AU) | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | stillnotakey
Ruby | Supernatural | iloveatallman
Mary Shannon | In Plain Sight | cantstandpeople
Ryan Sharp (OC) | Doctor Who/Torchwood, Dollhouse | afewloosewires
Dawn Summers | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | orumad
Emma Summers (OC) | Marvel | takestothesky
Marla Tudor | Original, Supernatural (OC) | notsabrina
Clyde West (OC) | Blade | beabadexample
Dean Winchester | Supernatural | lookingforabeer
Samantha Winchester (AU) | Supernatural | alrightjerk

Looking particularly for crit in regards to Ruby and Dean. Thanks!


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