Remember, save the circle-jerking spam for love memes. If you want to tell someone "omg ilu bb," take a few seconds to think of a reason why. Also, if you comment, try critting/giving a constructive compliment to someone else. Pass it forward!
How's My Driving?∞ Comment with all the journals you RP with (and the communities they're from
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8fingerswhiskey - Tommy Gavin | Rescue Me
izzydidit - Detective Izzy Hernandez | OC
capnimpala67 - Dean Winchester | Supernatural
animalpriestess - Crystal Walbrow(Creed) | X-Men OC
whatagoodfellow - Robin Goodfellow (Puck) | Myths
animalpriestess - Crystal Walbrow(Creed) | X-Men OC
epi_geek - Wenceslao (Wendy) Lupin | OC
praytothemoon - Nicholas Florence | OC
louiethefea - Louie Leferve | X-Men OC
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