Forgot to give a heads up about how late this would go up. :( Sorry! Thanks for being patient, guys. Remember, save the circle-jerking spam for love memes. If you want to tell someone "omg ilu bb," take a few seconds to think of a reason why. Also, if you comment, try critting/giving a constructive compliment to someone else. Pass it forward, and
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Criticize away - you know you wanna!
2) STOP WRITING HER WITH A FUCKING STUTTER, K?!!!!11! ;) You know what I'm referring to, which I happened to think was an absolute joke. You keep doing what you do, however you want to do it, honey. You rock it, okay?
3) Your Tina is amazing. Seriously. I love her. You give her the voice she doesn't have in canon and you keep her real. It's been an honour to have the chance to have a shot at Tike with you. I love writing my Mike off her and writing with you in all our verses has been an absolute pleasure. Even when we were facing their DRAMAZ, we still bounced off each other and had an awesome time. Cheers muchly.
4) I was supposed to criticise? Okay... WHY NO MOAR MUSES?! ;) Artie needs a GF in MyBigFat, you know...
And as for above, :p! Artie's gonna stay single for a while.
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