How's My Driving?
∞ comment with all the journals you RP with (and the communities they're from).
∞ reply to other people's comments (anon or logged in) with constructive criticism
∞ learn from the suggestions and profit!
► play nice! flaming will not be tolerated, and threads with such will be deleted. Save the wank for
rp_anon_memeroleplaysecrets► IP addresses are not
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insecondgear - Monkey D. Luffy
nobentoforyou - Watanuku Kimihiro
pink_sake - Shunsui Kyoraku
flintlockandcig - Ben Beckman
letsstartthis - Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito
shuukotsu - Brook (One Piece)
suninhispants - Lussuria
shuukotsu - Brook (One Piece)
Past characters and games - Go for it but I'm not gonna list them off.
//has nothing productive to say, but positive reinforcement is good, yeah? XD
//Kel is Miranda-mun from Colors.
((this is Dante-mun from Colors))
No concrit for you, except that gogo wants to get Beat and Dante to thread more. Maybe add Ryohei for a (not)serious BRO-DOWN.
Beat is hilarious and awesome. Absolutely loved reading his attempts at being amorous and seductive. It was very in character and just...awesome. Brook is great fun, but gogo has already said that. Am looking forward to much banter between Dante and Lussaria as well.
Honestly, your sense of comedy and timing is awesome. Would looove to recruit you for hardboiled_rpg, which gogo mods with Gogod (Vergil-mun). We're trying to recruit Rhyme-mun as well. :3
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