How's My Driving?
∞ comment with all the journals you RP with (and the communities they're from).
∞ reply to other people's comments (anon or logged in) with constructive criticism
∞ learn from the suggestions and profit!
► play nice! flaming will not be tolerated, and threads with such will be deleted. Save the wank for
roleplaysecrets► IP addresses are not
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Rebecca Chambers - clevermedic
Sam Winchester - sceneswelost
Kate Bishop - takingtheshot
Abby Sciuto - peppygoth
Heather Mason - godless
Claire Redfield - redfield
Yuna - herstorynow
Elle Holloway - bahdababa
Claire Redfield - redfield
and just for kicks, homeless atm but TBF if people don't think I fail~
Jill Valentine - neveraghost
durp durp in b4 "moar active"
I do know what it's like to juggle many favorite characters with more minor ones and I'm just as bad (see Tommy and BB vs Pence and Cooro), but so far thats my only criticism of her. I love her a lot, and its a shame she isn't around more often because I always enjoy threading with her and stuff :C I'm also really loving the Tommy/Kate dynamic we've got going on <3
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