How's My Driving?
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Agent BA-4 "Derek" eba04
Agent BA-5 "Spin" headphonerookie who's been waiting for an update after reviewing my characterization of him...
Hajime Tanaka firstkindling... eventually. =/
Agent BA-4 "Derek" keeps_in_step who should be the same as eba04 minus the environment change
Of course, since you're so new, I haven't gotten a lot of opportunity to see Derek in action, but the little amount so far has been good. Once I get back from the con, you can bet on some interaction between us two, m'friend.
I haven't gotten to see your update on Spin, but I'll tell you that what time I did spend playing against him was a lot of fun. I also look forward to seeing what differences you have with your Tanaka.
Derek's getting a little easier to figure out now that I have time to think, though I still feel like I have a ways to go. He's just waiting clueless in the Bryant Park Hotel lobby, so if that's still the case when everyone returns from con hiatus, anyone can just pick him up. It's bad timing on my part.
Actually, I was just about to ask you about the DR's HQ when I was... convinced to play Derek at DC. XD So once Derek gets settled, Spin and Tanaka will get their turns at otoeba_dressing. I just don't want to make things any more confusing... and Spin's a bit grumpy and also going "Why'd you send Derek to the evil Manhattan monster crab place?! I thought you liked us!!" right now. =P
Honestly, my only crit is to get out there and do stuff. I know you're new to DC, but unless you're trying to pull of something huge (like the Hamel plot, or taking out a monster, or...y'know, ridiculously big), you really don't need permission to do things. Don't be scared to throw Derek into threads and events - I think you'll do well once you really start getting active.
And you already know I think his first journal post was incredibly clever. :3
That's actually where I think I'm stuck right now. Unless I do a lot of off screen hand waving, until someone tells/hints that the EBA are a little more visible, he's going to stay distant and wait for the others. Until he knows about the crabs and monsters, he can't really interact on that level either. Not to mention he's lacking computer access right now, unless the Bryant Park Hotel lobby has something. Every kind of interaction I can think of seems ooc to do at this point. I have a problem similar to Foxx's; I intro'ed when everyone else was/went on hiatus. =/
PS: Don't tell anyone, but he spent more time on that entry than he'll ever admit and is a bit upset that someone from outside the EBA cracked it so easily. ;)
Well, once I get back from CC and figure things out with Shannon, I might toss Foxx in that thread (and if Shannon's up for it, Stitch might come with, accompanied by a very deadpan "he followed me home") and we can get the ball rolling...though she's utterly clueless too, so that should be all sorts of fun. |D Most hotels have a computer setup in the lobby, so saying there's one in BPH isn't really a stretch, if you want to go that way.
Derek will soon learn that Daniel's mission is to meet everyone in Manhattan. He knows J and Spin, but he doesn't know about the Agency (and they are keeping it that way. Fight Club Rule and all). Derek can chill a bit - Daniel's too smart for his own good, but he's a good guy overall. XDb
I really don't have any plans right now, so whatever's good with me. I have plenty of ideas for fun DR rooms and interactions, but when it comes to this, I'm drawing nothing but blanks.
Hehe. I'm familiar with Dr. Daniel Jackson of SG1 my favorite character actually... and somehow caught wind of him meeting all the new arrivals, but Derek doesn't. He'll be relieved when he does though. =P
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