I was going to put up a notice for the next meme, unfortunately, the LJ-notification problem, coupled with mod's real-life business kind of prevented that. But since we're so much later than usual, I'm just going to put the post up. I'm sorry I haven't been around to respond to you guys. We should be back on track now!
How's My Driving?∞ comment
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My other muses aren't really being played enough right now to warrant any sort of meaningful crit, but if you know who they are and feel like addressing them too, go for it.
I don't know much about Charlie, but he's fun to talk to.
So far I like Uhura, she's pretty badass without being overly serious which I think is something we saw glimpses of in the movie. I like how she is not the same character as TOSUhura, in similar ways to the other XI folks. I guess I don't have anything negative to say really other than she needs to come out more.
Charlie is fun, despite his failings. They certainly both need to come out more, or rather, come out other than just in EoE. Even in, like, TSW, I kind of forget to give Nyota posts of her own, I get so wrapped up in commenting on other peoples' - though even that I should probably do more. Ah, such is real life...
AND YES ABOUT MIRROR!PIKE IDK WHY THEY HAVE NOT PLAYED YET! We shall remedy this! Hehe. Thank you for commenting, Sara. :)
The last time I saw 'Search for Spock' was like 6 years ago. After I read your comment I pilfered it from my bf's VHS collection and intend to do a much needed re-watch soon. 'Voyage Home' I have seen recently, but hey, that one stands up to multiple viewings, obviously, so that's in the queue as well. :)
But thank you so much for the compliments, I looove playing with your Kirk, as you know, and I am SO PSYCHED to get to have them interact more in a canon context soon, omg. (Speaking of which, since you have tempted us - YOU TEASE - I'm probably gonna keep poking you asking when we can start. Feel free to tell me to shut up.)
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