I was going to put up a notice for the next meme, unfortunately, the LJ-notification problem, coupled with mod's real-life business kind of prevented that. But since we're so much later than usual, I'm just going to put the post up. I'm sorry I haven't been around to respond to you guys. We should be back on track now!
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Zoisite | Sailor Moon | nottanzanite
Hanyuu Furude | When they Cry | isthefootsteps
Shuri Oak | 07-Ghost | acowardlyoak
Jacob Black | Twilight Saga | sortabeautiful
Takuya Kanbara | Digimon Frontier | pickedatrain
Cain Knightlord | Trinity Blood | alyingsmile
Cain Knightlord | Trinity Blood | alyingsmile
Andrew Wells | BtvS | tellsastory
Dracula | BtvS | likesmotorbikes
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