How's My Driving?
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Pavel Chekov | whogavemethevs
@ elegycity
Leonard McCoy | bluecaduceus
sixwordstories, treksixwords, freeform and the like
Winona Kirk | icanfixitall (though, if you know her mirrors, feel free to comment on them too.)
Nyota Uhura | all3dialects
Leonard McCoy (Post Five Year Mission) | ilosttheplanet
Number One | a_firmus_animus
Leonard McCoy (Teenage Version) | alwaysadoctor
Literally, any work you think I need to do on them, tell me it, please, because I'm feeling off about everyone lately.
What I do like about the character is that she's older, her relationship with her boys/George's death does not consume her. There's no denying it's a part of who she is and how she deals with her life, but it isn't constant.
For Number One: I really like the way she fits with Pike. That's about it.
And I think one of the only reasons she doesn't is because I don't normally have threads with Jims and well, you know I play George too, so of course that won't happen.
And that last bit one #1 makes me decidedly happy.
I think the fact that it doesn't take over her life makes sense, as much as it hurt her to lose George, or hurt her kids, it's been over 20 years since a lot of that happened.
:-D #1!
In conclusion? You = ♥
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