Title: You Are My Destiny (Jai Ho!)
hmsharmony (SVEvenstar)
Fandom: Merlin
Ship: Arthur/Gwen
A/N: For
thingathon's A/G Thing-A-Thon 2010,
myfloralbonnet's prompt: music video to "Jai Ho" by A. R. Rahman (either version). I'll admit, when I first received this prompt I had NO idea what I was going to do because I had never seen this song as A/G (and while the original version was gorgeous I didn't want to risk messing it up because I wasn't positive of the translation). But after listening to it for a while I finally realized why
myfloralbonnet prompted it. It's definitely one of those songs that I feel, at first listen, doesn't really seem to fit A/G, but if you give it a chance I think (or rather hope) that you'll be pleasantly surprised.
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