Title: Leaving Apastron
Rating: Teen(ish)
Genre: Gen, shades of romance
Characters: Kaga, Tsutsui
Summary: Post-series. A mid-game interruption can last for years-but it doesn’t mean the match has ended. Warning: Some incidental original characters.
WordCount: Approx. 1195
a once-familiar headlock )
Comments 5
“You’ve lost me.”
Kaga’s smile broadens. “I know. But I’ve found you again.”
This is my favourite part! ♥
But don't we see them when their in highschool? They might not go to the same one but Kaga stopped by the school and pretended to be him for a day... He can't of been too far away if the shougi club teacher could call him in.
I might take you up on that challenge, only I was the one that submitted Kaga as a prompt (THANKYOU!) so even if I get inspired and type fast I can't get it in for this round. XD I'll link you if I get it done though. :)
Oops--quite possible! It's been a while since I watched my friend's fansubs of the whole anime, and the legal releases of the anime and manga that I've been buying haven't gotten to that point in the plot yet. So, er, call this divergent future or something. >_>;
Thanks for commenting! Ooh, I hope you do take the idea up in another round.
I liked!
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