Jun 18, 2007 12:43


What if my fic is 275 words?
Then it is ineligible for any of the challenges held on this comm. You will be requested to either extend or reduce it for the prompt you are entering it from. Failure to do so will, result in it being deleted from this comm, because hng_prompts is for holding fanfics that are entered in the challenges and is not a general fanfic comm.
No longer applicable, the drabble word limit has been upped. ^_^;

I wrote a oneshot... For the drabble prompt. Can I still post it?
Of course you can still post it! Just not here. The hikarunogo comm would be a great place to post it though and we're very glad to have helped inspired you as such... Just it can't go here.

The oneshot and the drabble prompts will be different for their respective rounds, so their not easily exchangeable with the current challenges.

I want to write yaoi. This okay?
Sure! Just list appropriate warnings as necessary. Het, gen and yuri are welcome here too. ^_^

What is the maximum length for the oneshot/short fic challenge?
As long as it's longer than 300 words, and complete within the LJ-post then it really doesn't matter how long it is. =D

What if my story is broken into parts / has a sequel?
Just post it to your usual writing places, or you can mention it in one of your contest entries.

However because hng_prompts is shortfic centric, you really shouldn't be posting incomplete things here. It's okay if you choose to expand it elsewhere, or decide you like that world a lot and want to continue it, just this is a challenge comm not a fanfic comm.

As long as the story can be taken as complete for the entry - even if it's the sort of ending that makes you wish for more, then it's perfectly fine to enter.

I didn't submit my entry in time. T.T
Has the voting post gone up yet? If not then quickly post! Different timezones can make it harder for challenges deadlines to be exact but as long as it gets in before the voting post then it's okay!

If not! Then you can still post it to hikarunogo!

I'm having issues with another user - they left a rude comment on my story!
Firstly - please do not delete any comments. It is much better that you screen them and bring them to a Moderators attention.

For more information on screening please see this LiveJournal FAQ.

Moderators can be contacted on this screened post here [link]. Or you can try contacting Qem via email at queenie.eiz at care2 dot com

This can allow moderators to see what happened more easily and take appropriate action.

The moderator left a warning on my post. What should I do?
Follow what the instructions from the moderator. Once you've done that, you may screen the comment, and usually the moderators will do so, once they see that you have complied, but please do not, under any circumstances delete it.

It is exceptionally bad manners to delete a moderators comment.

Why is everything friendslocked?
At the moment this community is still under construction, it's friendslocked to make the work in progress less obvious.

What's with the round numbering system?
Drabbles are labelled starting with a b, ending with the prompt number.
Shortfics are labelled starting with a w, ending with their prompt number.

The reason for the differing numbering schemes is because there should be two drabbles for each shortfic with prompts, so this is to make it easier to differentiate between their rounds.

The reason for the letters chosen is
B - Black, W - White
- the two colours you can use to play Go with.

As black, like the drabbles goes first, it was chosen for drabbles.
Where as white, can appear more elegant and has more room for using different style (for example, white go!), but requires more work (hence the komi rules in Go, since Black has the advantage), it was assigned to shortfic. =D

A z is appended for zen, and so that it goes to the end of the tagging list - and doesn't flood the other more used ones.

What is the approximate timeline for the schedule?
Approximate time table is, deadline at Midnight PST, Prompt & Voting Post Friday, reminder Wednesday, end/start voting Friday with a new prompt posted, results Monday - so you have the weekend to write as well as the whole week.

*Midnight is taken as when it hits San Francisco West Coast USA. For those who are unsure how it compares to where they are; just use the world clock here and change the city Sydney to something else.

So Midnight Friday is in general, when the entries are to be due in and the new one put up, though some variation may be involved.

Is voting screened?
Yes. Always. If it isn't sound the alert. Maintainer replies will unscreen comments but they should be covered up quite quickly.

I'm not a member, can I vote?
Yes you can, although please vote because you like the entries you pick, not because someone asked you to vote for them. :)

I don't have an LJ account/ don't want people to see my voting account. Can I vote anonymously?
No. What's to stop the same person voting anonymously three times?
If you don't want an LJ account, perhaps OpenID might be an appropriate option or.
While moderators do pay attention to who is voting, we value confidentiality and will not spread information outside of the contest. Nor do we care who you voted for. I mean fun of the competition and all right?

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